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Written Updates etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 392] 21th November 2012 Written Update


Episode begins with Khushi sitting in the room with all the other contestants and is really worried about the turnout of events. She asks her friends what they have to do to which the lady says that she should watch and copy whatever the others are doing. Khushi asks her about heels and also tells her friend that she can't walk in high heels. The friend tells Khushi to wear only high heels so that it makes her look tall, that's how the judges would want her to look. Khushi wears and starts practicing. She walks right into the other contestant who gets really annoyed because Khushi has dropped water on her. Khushi out of politeness asks her to take Khushi's dress in exchange to which the contestant says that she would rather lose than wear that and lose. Khushi looks sad but ignores it. Khushi and all are then sitting in the green room touching up their make-up. Khushi's friend tells her to wear the red lipstick as it would make her look prettier. Khushi declines saying that she tried it at home and it didn't look nice at all therefore, she will keep it light for today. She then prays to Devi Mayya to protect her.

On the other hand, the judges invite Arnav to judge their next round of contestants. He is the main sponsor of the event. All the contestants are called on stage one-by-one and finally Khushi is called on by just being mentioned as "Mrs Khushi" Arnav looks up from his phone but then looks away again. Finally, Khushi walks into the room stumbling all the way until she sees Arnav sitting there who is shocked to see Khushi walking in the room. The anchor tells her to walk in which she does only to fall flat on her face after taking a few steps. Khushi silently prays to Devi Mayya that let this be a dream and that when she opens her eyes, Arnav shouldn't be sitting there. Arnav is not sitting but standing when Khushi opens her eyes. The male judge asks her to get up and give her intro. Khushi gets up but starts stammering then and Arnav asks her to introduce herself. Khushi walks forward a bit but then stops, takes her heels off and runs away with them. Arnav looks after her in amusement.

At the RM, Nani tells everyone that she has prayed for Khushi's success. Anjali on the other hand is worried because Arnav still doesn't know about Khushi's participation in this wild contest. Just then, Khushi walks in and hides behind the sofa. Everyone looks at her and are shocked to see her hiding. Khushi keeps on stammering when trying to explain why she is hiding. Nani asks her what happened and Khushi doesn't answer but we hear Arnav say that he will tell them what happened. Khushi sees him and hides behind Anjali. Arnav comes inside the house and then says that Khushi has been going out to participate in a Mrs India contest. Arnav looks at everyone but sees how everyone looks at him shockingly. Arnav then says that everyone knew but him hence the excuses they had been making for her. Nani then says that she has to go to the Mandir, Manorama goes after her. NK says that he has to call someone and will be right back. Anjali says that she is feeling dizzy hence she will go and rest. Arnav stops everyone from leaving and they all absolutely have to stay there. Arnav then tells everyone how Khushi first fell and then refused to gave her introduction but instead chose to run away from the venue. Anjali asks Arnav how she knows to which Arnav says that he was there when it all happened because he is the main sponsor of the event. Everyone then leaves.

In Arnav and Khushi's room. Arnav tells Khushi that the fashion world can be ruthless and she won't be able to cope up with it. Khushi argues back and tells him that she can and she will try to. Arnav finally relents and says that she can do whatever she chooses to. Khushi then tells Arnav that he shouldn't tell anyone that she is his wife to which Arnav says that he won't lie. Khushi convinces him and says that he isn't going to be lying technically and it's just that she will leave the information out because she wants to win this on her own. Arnav walks out but comes back and tells her that she won't be able to do this to which Khushi says that she will. The episode ends on Khushi's determined face.


The show manager/stylist looks at Khushi's dressing and flats and makes fun of her while the other contestants smirk. Khushi looks sad.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 391] 20th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi giving the audition in which she says, I love cooking. The judges ask, why? don’t you have servants in your house? Khushi says, no but I have been taught that it’s good to prepare your own food.. and before she says anything more, one of the judges calls next contestant to come. But then, other judge stops Khushi and asks, why do you want to become Mrs. India?

Khushi says, because I want to do something that I never imagined of doing in my dreams and prove myself, I want to be independent. By doing this, I believe I can prove that I can do whatever I want. And I want to test myself as well about what I can do. I have to show my husband that I am not only a good wife of a good husband, but I also have some identity. The judges get impressed with her answer. Some other lady comes in modern dress and asks, are you done or there’s more to say? She says, they asked you to give introduction, not lecture. Khushi then asks judges to forgive her as she took more time than given. Lady asks Khushi to leave from there. Khushi sits down on a side.

Lady confidently starts giving her introduction. She says, my name is Natasha and my mission of coming here is only one.. which is to WIN because I never learned how to lose and wins always fall down to me on my legs. People say, I am not only a model, but I am a brand name as well. But I believe I am a winner. She walks away now. Another contestant tells Khushi, what a lady she is.. didn’t even wait for judges’ comments.. what an attitude. Natasha looks at Khushi and says, don’t know what has happened to this competition’s standard.. bhenji’s from villages enter this competition now. Khushi says, what this girl thinks of herself? Natasha turns back and says, I think myself which you can become one. This leaves Khushi shocked.

At Raizada house, Arnav is helping Aarav with his homework. Anjali is impressed seeing that. Khushi returns home wondering how can anyone talk like this with anyone. Nani asks Khushi, you came back from your mother’s house? Khushi first gets confused, and then says.. yes I went to meet my parents and I am back now. Arnav asks her if she is fine now? Khushi says, yes I am fine.. and goes in the kitchen. She talks with herself now saying why she had to do all this.. her life was going so good.. and she doesn’t like doing anything hiding from Arnav. She says that she will tell him once she’s selected. Nk comes there with full of excitement. He asks her, what happened there? Khushi says, I had to introduce myself and answer to judges’ questions. Somehow I did that.. but i don’t think they will select me. They will say whether they selected or no later. She says, there were some ladies whom I can’t even compete with. Nk says, don’t worry.. I am sure you will be selected. Khushi is about to make jalebis, but Nk stops her. He gives her carrot instead reminding she has to become Mrs. India. He leaves from there. Khushi says, wow Khushi.. this is how you make your life hell. What I have done to myself? I will have to eat this carrot now instead of sweet jalebis.

Khushi is in her room and now talking with carrot and says, you’re my temporary friend. I will go back to jalebis soon. Arnav sees her and asks, so carrot took place of jalebis? He then asks her to sit down and says, I know you didn’t go to your mother’s place. I talked with her already. Why don’t you tellme what are you doing? I don’t know but I am not feeling good about this. Khushi says, of course because you think I can’t do anything beside jalebis. Arnav says, it’s not like that.. I just want to help you out. And even you know that you mess something everywhere you go. Khushi gets more annoyed and tells him, this time I will prove myself to you. and asks him not to talk with her. She says, I am already so tensed and I can’t even tell you anything. Arnav says, fine i won’t ask anything. but I have brought something for you. I am sure you will get happy seeing that.

Arnav gives ‘chanas’ to Khushi. She gets excited, but then she remembers one of the contestants saying that she will always remain behenji. Khushi gives ‘chanas’ back to Arnav and says, I can’t eat them. Arnav asks, but why? Khushi says, I just can’t eat.. take them away. Arnav then kisses her cheek. Khushi moves back, but Arnav then carries her and takes to the bed and turns off the lights.

It’s next morning now. Everyone is doing the brekfast while Khushi is desperately waiting for someone’s call. Arnav notices that and asks her, are you waiting for anyone’s call? Khushi says, no.. I am just used to the phone now. Arnav leaves and Khushi’s phone rings. Khushi gets nervous and says, what if they say no? Everyone tells her how you will find out if you don’t pick up the phone. Khushi still says, I won’t pick up. Aarav picks it up and gives it to Khushi. Khushi talks with them and hangs up. Everyone asks Khushi what they said? Khushi says, they said I am going to the next round. Anjali says, that means they selected you. Khushi dances in joy saying they selected me.. they selected me. Arnav comes back and asks, selected? Where?

Break 1..

Khushi says to Arnav, I got SMS saying my number got selected and I will get lots of money. Arnav smiles and says, I get SMS like this everyday.. it’s all scam. Khushi says, and I thought I would be crorepati. Arnav takes his jacket and leaves. Everyone again starts celebrating it. Nk says, now it’s time for 2nd level. Aarav says, which is usually harder than level 1. Nani tells Khushi not to worry.. she will pass that level too. As result of hard work is always good. Khushi says, I will have to go there in an hour now.

Break 2..

Everyone wishes all the best to Khushi as she leaves for her 2nd round. Nk asks Khushi to give her autograph to him as who knows if she gets so famous and doesn’t get time tomorrow. Khushi says to herself, this happiness seem incomplete as she didn’t share it with Arnav.

Khushi arrives at the audition place. Officials say to all selected ladies that tonight with judges, sponsors will also come and ask questions. Officials say everyone has to prepare themselves so it’s important to prepare well as tonight’s results will decide who will stay in this competition and who will have to go back to home. Khushi gets worried and says, now what will I do?

Episode ends.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 390] 19th November 2012 Written Update


Nani and Anjali wishing Khushi good luck, Arnav comes and asks Khushi to go with her.

Khushi demands to know where she is being dragged, Arnav states he knows she is angry and Khushi agrees, its because of what he said to her about not having the courage to face the world. Arnav states he knows she is talented and used in the right manner she will go far, he knows she wants her space so he has a surprise for her, there is a project that he wants her to be the head of, Khushi thinks about what Nani states, Khushi states she doesn’t think she will be able to it. Arnav wants to help but Khushi states she needs to do it herself and says she has important work to do, Arnav is concerned.

Khushi wishing to Devi Maiya that her dream comes true, she states that she doesn’t look like a Mrs India, she recalls what her family members said to her, she gets confident that she will be able to do this.

Khushi goes into the office and is told to get in line and fill a form.

Another woman makes a nasty comment about the tika on Khushi head and is surprised to see her. The other women makes comments about her clothes. Another lady comes in commenting about her earrings and how she has been looking for them, she saw it on a ramp, she says her name is Amrita. Another woman calls Khushi middle class. Amrita says that the other women are jealous of Khushi and she gives Khushi encouragement, Amrita then thinking that her job is done making Khushi confident and how east it was in her behenji look and she will be eliminated.

Arnav asks for Khushi but Mami and Nani give different answers. Anjali comes in and Arnav asks if Anjali is here but then where is Khushi, she makes a excuse. Anjali says that Khushi went to Mandir and then will go to her Maasa’s house. Arnav wants to call Khushi but everything tells her not to, Arav comes and covers that Khushi’s phone is not working. Arnav leaves, Nani scolds Mami to think before she speaks. Anjali hopes everything is okay. Nani is confident that everything will be fine.

A lady starts off the process, and tells them to start introducing themselves, the Amrita lady tells khushi to be herself. A lady comes in and she is introduced as a top model as the Judge. Khushi claps and she is called a stupid behenji by another contestant. It seems like the both judges don’t like each other.

One by one the contestant are called and asked questions about why they want to take part and it seems like each answer the model pulls down the answers and answers back. Khushi gets worried, she thinks to leave as she will get embarrassed.

One by one the contestants come up and they seem to get dejected by the judges comments. Amrita comes up and gives the answer about showing people there is more to a woman after marriage and she wants to show this to the world and help others. Judge J asks she may be asked to be away for a long period of time, Amrita answers that she knows very well how to balance professional and personal life. Another contestant get nervous, Khushi is worried about the female judge and wishes if Arnav was there. Arnav is shown through a window, she goes to get up but is told to sit down, Arnav is on the phone and stops and calls Khushi’s name, she in turn calls Arnav’s name and goes to the door but doesn’t see anyone there, they both miss seeing eachother, Khushi thinks its never been that she felt Arnav and he wasn’t there. Khushi is called and asked if she wants to give the audition. Khushi goes and introduces herself and says she likes cooking, the female judge asks if she doesn’t have a maid, Khushi answers that she does but she like feeding people and goes on to speak about her mother, but the female judge stops her and calls for the next person, Khushi is shocked.



Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 389] 16th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi walking on the high heel and Aarav watching her. She falls down and Nani, Nk, Manorama, and Anjali come there. Nani asks Khushi, tell me the truth.. what are you doing? Aarav by mistake says, nothing.. she just wants to participate in Mrs. India. Everyone gets shocked. Nani asks her, why you want to do that? Khushi says, I just want to prove myself.. that I am smart and I have self pride. Nani says, this is a good thing. Anjali agrees with Nani. Nk says, now I understand.. this is why you’re being fancy since morning. Khushi says, yes.. and if I struggle like this walking on high heel and stay in this dress then they won’t even let me fill the form which is due by tomorrow noon. Nani tells Khushi .. everything will be fine. Khushi requests everyone not to tell anything to Arnav about this as she wants to give him a surprise.

Arnav is in his office and he asks one of his staff if work that Arnav asked is done or not. Staff says, it will be done soon. Arnav has a smile on his face. Arnav then gets call from Aman, his another office staff. Arnav tells him to take care of everything and he will not be attending some meeting.

Back to Raizada house. Nani is helping Khushi in preparing for Mrs. India contest. Nani explains her how to dance. Manorama is watching them and speaks to herself, I will see how this phati saaree will become Mrs. India. Manorama then tells them, Mrs. India is already present in this house which is me myself. Nani says, this contest is not for you. Manorama asks, why not? I will also participate and starts filling out the form. Nani tells Khushi to ignore her and they start practicing for dance. Manorama is searching for her age box, but its not there. Aarav comes there and says to her, it’s simple.. you just have to put a check mark in your age box. Manorama says, yes.. I know and she puts check on age 30 to 45. Aarav asks, are you really that young? Manorama gets annoyed and walks away from there. Manorama says to herself, if I can’t participate then I won’t let anyone else participate. She calls Arnav and warns him to be alert. Arnav asks, but what happened? Manorama says, it’s going to happen.. just be alert. She disconnects.

Break 1..

Manorama is crying in her room. Nk is passing her tissues. She’s complaining to Nk saying she is so lonely and her only son left too. She says, my loneliness can only go away by becoming Mrs. India. Nk says, what? it’s not for your age. Khushi also comes there and tries to cheer Manorama. Khushi says, even I want you to participate in Mrs. India contest but they put age limit purposely because they know you’re going to win. Manorama now stops crying and gets excited. Khushi says, this is why I want you to help me. Manorama says, I can help you but I can’t guarantee that you will look as beautiful as me. Khushi says, I don’t want to be as beautiful as you either.. just little like you would do.

Nk meets Aarav in the living room and they discuss something. Nani comes there and asks what are you two discussing? They take Nani with them and go to Manorama’s room where Manorama has put make up on Khushi. When Nani, Nk, Aarav see Khushi, they scream. Khushi then sees herself in mirror and screams as well.

Break 2..

Khushi is cleaning her makeup and gossiping with Payal (they don’t show Payal’s face). She says, I miss you a lot and audition is going to start soon. She tells her no to tell anything to Arnav about this. On the other hand, Arnav is also talking with Aakash on the phone and returns to home. Nk sees Arnav and runs to Arnav’s room to tell Khushi that Arnav is here. Khushi tells Nk to keep Arnav busy and she starts putting everything away in her room.

Nk stops Arnav. Arnav asks him where is Khushi? Nk tries his best to keep Arnav busy. He asks him, you didn’t tell me why you came back so early today? Arnav says, it’s personal matter. Nk now tells Arnav, we haven’t spent time together since so long.. why don’t you, me, and Aarav play some game? Arnav says, Aarav is not at home and he starts going toward his room. Nk tries to stop him, but he can’t. Arnav enters his room and closes the door.

Arnav then asks Khushi, why are you not picking up my call? I tried so many times. Manorama also called me and said, you’re planning something. Khushi says, what plan? no plan.. and what are you doing here? I didn’t pick up your call and you returned to home like a ‘choru-ka-ghulam’ (someone who keeps following his wife and does everything she says). Arnav says, I came here to tell you that. Khushi asks, what? Arnav then says, watch out your tone.. you know I don’t like anyone talking like this to me. Khushi then talks calmly with him. She then gets a call from someone. After the call is done.. Arnav asks her, who was it? Khushi says, no one.. Arnav says, you just talked on the phone.. he tries to take phone from her, but Khushi pulls it back. She asks, do I check your phone ever? Arnav says, that’s because I don’t lie like you. He says, anyways I came to tell you that.. .. he sees Khushi still holding phone away from him and then says, forget it. He is leaving from there. Khushi now stops him and asks, tell me why you returned so early?

Arnav asks her, what’s going on? Khushi says, please forgive me.. I can’t tell you what I am doing. Arnav says, I hope it’s not something stupid. Khushi says, according to me it is not. Arnav then notices that Khushi’s cheek are red. He asks her, why they are so red? Khushi gets shy and says, seeing you. She then goes near him and makes her cheek touches to his. She says, now your cheek is red too. She gets hurt because of Arnav’s beard and says to him, your beard hurts. He says, take this as punishment for hiding the truth. He then asks, did it really hurt? Khushi says, yes. Arnav then kisses her cheek and asks her, what about now? Before Khushi answers, Arnav gets a call from someone. Khushi says, it must be Aman and it is Aman. Arnav goes outside to talk with him. Khushi is worried and says to herself, I have to get ready and leave soon.. what should I do and how?

Nani and Anjali are wishing all the best to Khushi. Khushi is nervous and says, how they will like me in this dress? Anjali says, you’re just going to fill out the form today.. they will like you just by seeing your face. Nani also says, you’re going for Mrs. India contest and they know you’re married and married women have some limits. Nani tells Khushi to go without any tension. Khushi says, ok I am leaving then. Arnav comes there and says, Khushi you’re coming with me.

Episode ends.


Arnav tells Khushi, if you use your talent on right place, then I am sure you can get lots of success. I know by working in my office.. you won’t get your space, and therefore, I have a surprise for you. Khushi asks, surprise? Arnav then shows her models, chair (basically office environment which he has set up in Raizada house, I guess).

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 388] 15th November 2012 Written Update


Khushi fixes the dress and explains there is no situations which wont have a super hit solution, Arnav is amused by all this. She continues that it should be faced without difficulty, another man comes in with a duplicate and Khushi is shocked to know there are 5 more duplicates. Khushi asks why he is making fun of her and wasting her time like this, he holds on to her and tells her that it doesn’t make a difference to him what people think, he liked it and thought it cute, he knew she should come. He explains there is no one by the name of Nina and he did this to placate her. Khushi is annoyed and says he must like this and does he think she is stupid and doesn’t want to speak to him, Arnav is confused and wonders what happened.

Khushi talking to herself saying that she needs to do something big that will amaze Arnav and impress him and wonders what to do. Khushi an article about a contest and she is adamant to become the next Mrs India to impress Arnav.

Khushi is worried about what her skill will be and to perform in front of a audience, she then remembers what Arnav said and reaffirms herself that she has the chance to show Arnav what she can do. Arnav then comes asks what she can do, replies what she want to do, Arnav asks if she can do what he wants and she replies no and leaves, Arnav follows stating he was only asking for tea, Khushi trips and Arnav catches her and they both having a staring marathon and rabba ve in the bg. Nani and Mami are looking on at their staring mission and jokes about them. Arnav informs them that Khushi helped her a lot in the office, and Khushi replies there is no need for fake congratulations as he had already handled everything, NK and Anjali also arrive. Anjali continues that is Khushi wants to do something she can and all she needs is the chance.

Arnav tells Khushi to get ready for office, he wants her in the office with her and she knows that she is talented and wants it to be put into action. Khushi declines and that she needs to do something on her own feet. She leaves and Arnav is baffled.

Khushi comes in with fruits for Arav but he is playing games, she continues that he should see the world, he continues whether its outside or inside one should have the courage to take part. Khushi asks to explain and Arav explains if one doesn’t try how will one know if they are able to do something and go to the next stage.

Khushi makes a phone call to order something.

Khushi turns on some music, and outside NK hears the western music and wonders why its coming form Khushi’s room, Khushi is practising walking and NK comes, he enquires about about the English music, she covers by saying its about change, Khushi asks NK to take some pictures as she wants to upload on social networking site. Khushi is not impressed with the pictures taken saying she looks like a behenji, she wants to look modern.

Arav is explaining how the game was easy to play, Khushi is wearing heels and tries walking down the stairs but is finding it difficult and nearly slips, Anjali tells her to be careful, she orders for western style food for lunch and goes to the kitchen and starts walking but trips and falls, Arnav calls her and asks if she is alright, she tells him she is fine, Arnav continues that she needs to come out of the position she is in, Khushi wonders how he knew she fell, Arnav continues that if she has the willpower she can Khushi and Khushi is adamant to complete the task.

Khushi is in the lounge eating and states that she will diet from tomorrow, but then she stops herself and eats fruit with knife and fork, everyone is confused at her behaviour.

In her room she puts on makeup but it doesn’t look good and she messes it up, Arav comes in and enquires what she is up to and she explains that she wants to win the Mrs India contest. She shows what she has done so far but again she falls whilst walking and Mami comes in.

Episode ends.



Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 387] 14th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Raizada family finishing Laxmi poojan. Everyone gives laddu to Aarav. Aarav says, I don’t want.. but everyone forcefully puts in his mouth and he eats. They sit down to open the diwali gifts now. Arnav gives gifts to everyone. He gives a photo frame to Khushi with her photo in it. Khushi says, it’s so beautiful and hugs him. Khushi asks Arnav, so what did you bring for Aarav. Arnav says, I forgot about Aarav. Aarav gets disappointed. Khushi asks him, how can you forget about him? Arnav says, I actually want to have some talk with Aarav as well. Arnav asks Aarav to go to his room. Arnav follows him. Khushi gets worried thinking Arnav might scold Aarav. Nani says to Khushi, I think Arnav is upset because of Aarav’s behaviour and you should go and tell Arnav to take it easy. Khushi follows Arnav and Aarav. Aarav screams and everyone gets worried and go to his room.

Everyone gets surprised when they enter Aarav’s room. Aarav is overjoyed as Arnav has changed his entire room and he has everything there now.. cycle.. basketball set etc.. Arnav wishes him, happy diwali. Aarav hugs him and says, you’re world’s best best best dad. Nk says, wow I wish my dad was giving me all this when I was kid. Anjali says, so our chote knows how to make kids happy. Arnav looks at Khushi and says, of course Di.. it’s not like you can make kids happy only by bringing firecrackers.

Khushi and Arnav are alone now. Khushi asks him, is this your way to make him happy? by buying such expensive things? Now he will ask for expensive gifts everytime when he gets mad. Arnav says, so .. I will bring them. Khushi tells him, you’re not understanding.. he will get used to such bad habit. How he will be able to learn money’s value? Arnav says, I am here.. he doesn’t need to worry about money. Khushi says, no you’re spoiling him.. he needs to know he will only get such stuff when he behaves properly with everyone. You gave him prize for his bad behaviour? Arnav says, I am just trying to make him feel comfortable and then he says, you don’t need to worry about money matters.. I will handle them. Khushi asks, what do you mean? I don’t earn money so I can’t say in money matters? You wear suit and all that.. doesn’t mean you can take all decisions. Arnav says, I never said such thing. Khushi says, don’t forget.. I used to make money too and if I want then I can still make more money than you. Arnav laughs and asks, by exporting jalebis? Khushi now says, you got contract other day because of the way I had got dressed. They get a bit serious now on money matters.. Arnav says, it’s not easy to make money and without money it’s hard to live. He leaves from there. Khushi says to herself, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada you challenged me .. now watch what I do and you will be left saying, what the.. what the.

It’s next day now. Arnav is getting ready to leave for the office. Khushi gets annoyed seeing Arnav ordering his office worker to do all the stuff and keep everything ready. Arnav goes out of his room. She speaks to herself, does he even care others? what others want to say n all? Khushi then puts Arnav’s suit on and starts acting like him. She says to herself, nothing will happen by acting like him. You have to think something different.. unique. She then turns on the TV to see the program of some astrologist, but it has finished already. She gets worried and says, i hope i dont fail in this challenge. And then she gets idea that she can buy CDs of this program.

Break 1..

CDs arrive and she watches them. It says, you always need to keep your head high, otherwise other person will think you’re not confident. When you shake hands, be confident.. it shouldn’t make the other person feel like you’re low on confident. Always answer opposite of what other person asks. Maybe something is going on in their mind. Give question’s answer with a question and keep them busy with their own questions. In english, it’s called “If you can’t beat them, then confused them” (I like that). She watches the entire CD and rehearse. She says to herself, Khushi now you’re ready to face this cruel world. She goes outside. Someone is at the door.. and servant is about to open the door, but Khushi stops him and says, I can open. She walks keeping her head high. In that something comes in her way and she is about to fall.. but she manages to control herself and continues walking like that. Manorama wonders why she is trying to be a giraffe.. Everyday new program runs in her head.

Khushi opens the door and it’s milkman. Khushi forwards her hand and says, hello, myself is Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. Milkman is confused. He then asks her, I should give 4 liter milk like everyday right? As Khushi just learned from CD that she should always answer opposite.. she asks him, why 4 liter? why not 5 or 1? Milkman says, because everyday you take 4 liters only. Khushi now thinks something is going in milkman’s mind and he’s trying to trap her. She says, but today I want 10 liter and everything will happen the way I want. She then asks him, if I take 10 liter milk today, then will I get 10% discount tomorrow? Milkman says, why not. Khushi gets happy and says in her mind, wow I learned how to do business.. 10% profit in one shot. Manorama asks her, what are you going to do with so much milk? Khushi just confuses her and says, think big.. because if you think big, then you become big. Arnav comes there and sees Khushi. Khushi stares at him and then walks away. Manorama says to herself, this phati saare (khushi) has gone mad.

Break 2..

Everyone’s at dining table for the breakfast and they are discussing how good Diwali day was yesterday. Aarav comes there. Arnav asks him, so did you sleep properly? Nk says, sleep? no way.. we played game whole night. Arnav then notices that Khushi is not so happy… and says to himself, looks like extra effect of last night.. maybe I was too rude. I shouldn’t have reacted that way.. now I should take her outside. He then says, but she won’t come. I will have to do something else. He then calls some lady and congratulates her for the deal. He says, with me only smart people can work. Arnav leaves then. Khushi follows him. Arnav asks, what? Khushi says, nothing.. have a good day. Arnav smiles and says, you too have a good day. Khushi leaves from there. Smile disappears from Arnav’s face and he says, what the.. my plan was to make Khushi come to the office so I can spend some time with her and make her happy.. but here she left. Arnav leaves for the office then.

Arnav is discussing something with his office workers and Khushi arrives. she says to Arnav, you said only smart ladies can work with you.. who can be smarter than me? Arnav smiles and raises his one eyebrow. Khushi tries to copy him but she fails. She wonders how he does it. Arnav asks her, what happened? Khushi says, nothing and she stands strong keeping her head high and introduces herself to others. Khushi now gets call from Nk who tells her .. where are you? Everyone is getting worried. Khushi says, I am in the office and disconnects. Arnav asks her, who was it? Khushi shows attitude and says.. no one.

She now asks, so what’s the deal about? she touches some model clothes that’s there. It gets stuck in her bangles.. and bymistakely tears apart. Khushi first gets worried and asks Arnav to forgive her.. again CD video comes in her mind, and before Arnav says… it’s okay.. Khushi says, not a problem.. I will fix this. She asks some office worker to bring scissor and needle n stuff.. She then keeps her head high once again and tells Arnav, I don’t need you help.. I will handle this.

Episode ends.


Arnav and Khushi are alone in the office. He tells her, actually I wasn’t talking to any girl on the phone during the breakfast. I felt you’re upset and I wanted you to come to the office so we can spend some time alone and then I thought to take you out. Khushi is serious and says, you know everything right? What do you think that you can make do anything? Arnav tries to talk with her, but she says, I don’t to talk about anything with you.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 386] 13th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Aakash asking everyone, do you want to do real farewell or no? Aakash and Payal meet everyone one last time. Manorama and everyone else have tears in their eyes. Aakash tells Khushi always to be happy like this and take care of Arnav. Arnav tells Aakash, I will really miss you. Aakash says, now you have got thisi small Aarav.. it will be fine. Nk also gets emotional, but still he tries to cheer everyone up. Anjali then gives Aakash a raksha-dhaga saying it will protect him. Aakash and Payal leave.

Khushi asking that diya should be put everywhere. NK talking to someone about looking at flowers. Nani queries if the sweet food have arrived and NK informs that Arnav is looking after that.

Nani wants to order more, and NK asks for chocolate and Mami asks for Cham Cham, Khushi can make the Jalebi’s so no need to order it. Khushi asks if Arav likes sweet food, he replies he doesn’t like he likes it very much, Khushi replies they are the same. Arav asks questions about what is happening, and Khushi informs that its Diwali and this is what happens, Anjali and Khushi wonder what to give the pandit, Arnav asks where Arav is and suddenly Khushi cant find him saying he might be in his room.

Arav is by the poolside making cards and Arnav is impressed, Arav says that he makes them in the Ashram and people come to buy them, Arnav asks what else he did, Arav informs how people used to come to donate stuff. Arav informs that this is his first diwali in someone’s house and Arnav corrects that its their house.

Khushi is cleaning and Aranv questions why she is doing it again, Khushi says that was a while ago and Godess Lakshmi may not come if their house is dirty. Arnav is thinking about Arav and what he said, Khushi stating that it will take time for him to adjust and for him not to worry she will make it memorable for him. Arnav states no fireworks as its not good and dangerous, diwali is about lights and not about masti and fireworks. Khushi complains that he is making Arav like him and he doesn’t like anything.

Nani is telling the story of Ram and Sita. How diwali celebrates his return and becoming a king. Khushi is making ladoo and Arav wants to have one, but she tells him its for the Godess Lakshmi, Arav gets angry shouting what is the point in making Ladoo if you are not able to eat them. Khushi tries to sternly explain but then Arav breaks a vase. Khushi disciplines him that this is not acceptable, Arav walks away. Khushi tries to explain that Arav doesn’t know how to act.

Arnav questions Khushi about what happened downstairs and that if someone wanted the ladoo then what is the issue, Khushi tries to explain that it was for Prasad but it falls on deaf ears. Khushi explains that Arav needs to understand about right and wrong. Arnav asks if when she was little she had ladoo from the taali and Khushi replies yes and then stops and says to forget it all those are all long ago. Khushi thinks that Arav should apologise and Arnav thinks that he needs to placate Arav. As Arnav leaves Khushi thinking that both father and son will driver her crazy.

Khushi making rangoli and thinking this is her first diwali after being married and Aranv is still arguing just like before, this will never change. Mami steps on the rangoli and makes an excuse, Khushi thinking this is a bad day. Arnav comes to help and Khushi asks what he is doing, he states they are making new rituals, he puts rangoli on her nose. They have a staring match and rabba ve in the background, he wishes her happy diwali and kisses her on the cheek. Arnav accidently messes the rangoli and makes an excuse and leaves.

Mami and NK have a promotion talk about cricket starting on TV.

Nani and Anjali ask Aarav to forget everything now and ask him to smile. Aarav is still angry. Nk now tries to make him smile. He tells Aarav, this angry face doesn’t suit on you and says to him, you can watch football match with me in my room. Aarav says, thanks but no thanks.. I don’t want to watch match. Now Manorama tries to cheer him up, but Aarav is still angry.

It’s Laxmi poojan time.. Manorama takes Aarav with him. Whole Raizada family does Laxmi Poojan together. Aarav, Arnav, and Khushi does aarti together and episode ends.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 385] 12th November 2012 Written Update

Everyone is waiting for Arnav while Aakash and Payal are getting ready to leave. Anjali is getting worried for some reason and says, something is going to happen today. Khushi says in her mind, don’t say like that.. I am scaring more than you thinking about what surprise Arnav is going to give. Sheetal also comes there and asks about Arnav. Buaji says to her, you’re asking about Arnav.. are you also waiting for Arnav? Sheetal says.. no .. I asked just like that. She then says in her mind, just some time and then you all will be surprised when I destroy your lives and you won’t have a clue what had happened. Arnav returns home. Khushi asks him, where were you .. I called you so many times. Arnav says, sorry.. I was busy. Arnav then tells Sheetal that he talked with Pranav today with whom Sheetal said she was on the phone before. Anjali asks Arnav, what is the surprise? At the same time, someone enters Raizada house. Seeing him, sheetal says, Pranav?

Arnav says, so strange na. Pranav says that he hasn’t talked to Sheetal since many years. Sheetal then says, I was talking with some other Pranav that time. Arnav then asks Khushi to stay with Aarav.

Arnav now says, so it’s time.. I have invited some special people for tonight. Some lady comes and says, Sheetal was staying with me since last two months as a paying guest.. she never paid rent on time. Anjali asks Arnav, but Sheetal was staying in USA right? Arnav says, Sheetal was saying that.. but it doesn’t mean it was true. Now someone named Mr. Chopra comes in. Arnav asks him, so do you know her (Sheetal). Mr. Chopra says, yes.. she is Sheetal Kapoor and we were finding her since long time because she has 3 credit cards of our bank and she crossed credit limits. She never did any payment and it doesn’t look like that she wants to pay. Sheetal says, it’s all lie. Arnav says, nope.. there are more people. Another guy comes in who says that Sheetal went to him and asked him to give basketball training to Aarav. Nk asks Sheetal, but you said that Aarav knows how to play basketball.. did you lie to us? Sheetal asks Arnav, what you trying to do by doing all this? are you insulting me? Arnav says, no.. i am just telling truth to everyone. Anjali asks Sheetal, what was the reason to lie? Arnav says, you will find everything soon. Sheetal says, enough is enough.. I can’t take this anymore… I am leaving. She forgets that she has got injured in leg and she starts walking away from there with Aarav. Everyone is shocked.

Another lady comes in. Aarav goes to her and hugs her. Lady says, Aarav was the most favorite kid in her Aashram and Sheetal adopted him before 2 months. Sheetal tries to stop the lady, but Arnav stops her and says, surprise is not over yet. Khushi gets shocked and asks, so Aarav is not sheetal’s child? Arnav says, yes.. sheetal is not his mother. Aarav says, no.. she told me herself that she is my mother and you (Arnav) are my… Sheetal stops Aarav from saying anything more. Arnav asks Aarav, what more did she say? Tell us more.. I am here na. Aarav continues, she said that she is my mother and you’re my father.. when I was little baby.. you left me in Aashram because you didn’t like me. She said, I was like you already and if I become fully like you, then you would accept me. Nani asks Sheetal, why all this? Arnav sasys, Sheetal had got bankrupt and to pay all her bills.. she decided to trap her old rich friend which was me. She adopted Aarav and trained him to behave like me. She then found out about Khushi and decided to make Khushi believe that Aarav is my son.. because then Khushi would do everything to make sure Aarav gets his rights. She set up everything the way so Khushi finds out everything easily.

Khushi recalls the past events with her and Aarav. Arnav continues, Sheetal knew that if khushi finds out about this then she will sacrifice anything for Aarav.. and she almost did that.. she was leaving everyone. Arnav then tells Sheetal, your plan was good but you made one mistake. For graduate night.. I was pretending to be drunk so my friends don’t force me to drink. I remembered that when you said your fake story.. but I just didn’t react that time because I wanted to find why are you doing all this and why did you involve Aarav in this. Khushi says, but what about DNA reports? Arnav says, yea.. even I don’t know how DNA reports matched.

Sheetal smiles and says to Arnav, so you agree that there is something that even you couldn’t figure it out. She says, now there is no point of hiding anything.. when I found out that Khushi collected your hair sample.. I exchanged your hair sample with Aarav’s hair so reports were definitely going to match. Arnav says, I understand exchanging hair.. but you’re so sick that you made fake reports about Aarav’s sugar level. He says, who knew the quiet girl of the class would do all these frauds. Sheetal says, it’s easy for you to say because you got money.. I did all this for money… and what’s wrong with it? I didn’t kill anyone. You’re very rich.. if you had given me some then it wouldn’t matter to you. It was such a good plan, but this damn kid (Aarav). Khushi goes to Sheetal and gives her a hard slap.

Khushi tells her not to a word against Aarav. She asks her, aren’t you ashamed of calling you a woman? You tried to break my marriage.. you used this innocent kid.. and using innocent kid like this is no less than killing someone. Khushi goes on.. I am so silly that I thought that I am the reason for your sadness. Arnav says to Khushi.. no .. people who give up their happiness for others are great, not silly or stupid. Sheetal did all this with you because you’re a good person. Arnav then tells Sheetal, one more guest is waiting for you. Police come in and arrest Sheetal in a fraud case. Arnav thanks everyone else for coming and saying the truth..all guests leave except lady from the Aashram. Aarav runs to Khushi and hugs her.

Break 1..

Khushi tells Aarav not to worry..e verything will be fine. Lady from the Aashram thanks Khushi for saving Aarav from all this and says, it’s time to take him back to Aashram. Aarav meets everyone one last time and takes blessings from them. Everyone is sad as Aarav is leaving. Khushi stops lady and tells her not to take Aarav. Lady says, he will have to return to Aashram.. he is an orphan and maybe his place is in Aashram only. Khushi says, don’t say like that. She then goes to Arnav and asks, can’t Aarav stay here? With all of us? Arnav says, I told you that i will always take care of him right.

Break 2..

Arnav says, if Aarav wants.. he can live here forever. Aarav runs to Arnav and hugs him. Nani says, he became our family member long time ago.. how can he leave us? Lady from the Aashram says, I appreciate all this, but if you want to keep him here, then you have to adopt him legally. And until that doesn’t happen.. he will have to stay in Aashram. Before Khushi says anything to Arnav.. Arnav says to her, yes we will adopt Aarav. Aarav asks them, you will adopt me? Arnav says, yes.. and that’s if you want us to be your parents. Aarav and Arnav hug. Anjali tells Khushi, I am really proud of both of you. Lady from the Aashram now says, I will get the papers ready and until then Aarav can stay with you.

Episode ends with happy and smiling faces of everyone.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 384] 9th November 2012 Written Update


The episode starts with Sheetal trying to walk but is limping and Khushi helps her. Everyone is in the living room. Arnav comes there just then and Nani asks where Aakash is to which Payal says that he is busy with the USA deal and is really tensed. Aakash comes and hugs Nani right away, he then announces that he has to leave for USA right away as they got the deal that he was working so hard on. Mami and Nani get emotional and Mami then says that Payal has to go with Aakash as he needs someone to look after Aakash and his father. Anjali gets up and sits with Aakash and says that whenever they miss him, they can always do a video conference. Arnav says that he will make sure that Aakash's work doesn't last very long. He then inquires about Aarav and sets off.

Aarav is watering the plants and Arnav sees this from afar and wonders how can there be soo many similarities. He goes towards Aarav and then kneels down. Aarav says that he will be gone from here in a few days. Arnav tells him to stay longer if he wants to. Aarav says that if he doesn't want him to stay then how can he, Arnav then thinks of Sheetal's words from back when Arnav had asked her to tell Aarav everything about his father to which Sheetal had said that she doesn't want to destroy everyone's happiness and asks Aarav how he knows about this. Aarav tells him that Sheetal had told him everything and why had Arnav left him outside the Baal Aashram? Arnav gets shocked at first and asks what is he talking about to which Aarav says that eventhough Arnav didn't want him, but Sheetal came and took him back home. Arnav apologizes again and again and hugs Aarav and tells him that now he will make everything fine.

Sheetal is shown annoyed on the phone, she tells the person on the other end that Aarav is fine and not to call again. Sheetal hangs up and tells herself that these Aashram people are now annoying her a lot. On the other hand, Arnav tells Aarav to not tell Sheetal anything about what they have just spoken about because they'll surprise her later on. Aarav promises him and they do their unique hi-five/hand shake.

Everyone is in the living room, and Aakash announces that their flight is the following day early morning. Arnav comes there holding Aarav's hand and says that since Aakash and Payal are leaving for a couple of months, they should hold a party the same night. Everyone agrees and Khushi thinks to herself that what is up with Arnav today because he is planning a party all by himself?! Sheetal then says that Aarav and her won't be here tonight as they have to leave to which Arnav says that he has planned a lot of things with Aarav and they can't leave before that. Sheetal smirks to herself. Arnav then tells NK to take care of the preparations while Arnav goes for a meeting. He is about to leave when he turns again and says that he has a surprise for everyone. Anjali asks what it is to which Arnav says that if he tells everyone what the surprise is then it won't be a surprise.Khushi then starts wondering what is wrong with Arnav and he looks so happy. She then wonders that he is probably bringing the mother of his son in this house as well as the son, she starts biting her nails and Payal gets emotional saying that she will miss this "pagalpan" of Khushi the most. The two sisters hug. Sheetal starts limping again and Arnav helps her leaving Khushi amused in the living room.

In Sheetal's room, Arnav says sorry to Sheetal for not being around when he was needed the most. Sheetal tells him that it's not his fault and that he hadn't know to which Arnav says that he needs just this one day and he will make sure everything is fine. He walks out leaving Sheetal in the room alone. Sheetal walks towards the window and tells herself that this is exactly what she had wanted all along, for Arnav to pay for something he had never done. She then laughs and applauds for herself.

Arnav is walking down the stairs smiling to himself when Khushi wonders again what is up with Arnav and why is he smiling to himself today? Khushi asks Arnav why he is smiling to which Arnav says that Sheetal had cracked a joke and he was thinking about it. He walks away and tells Khushi that she should tend to the needs of Aarav and Sheetal and to tell HP to make the food of their choice. Khushi agrees.

Khushi is stressed out about the Arnav-Sheetal-Aarav situation so she starts making jalebi's. Bua and Garima walk in the RM and Bua asks Garima whether she can smell jalebis. They go towards the kitchen and Bua asks Khushi why she is making jalebis and whether something is wrong. Khushi gets happy to see them and hugs the two. Payal comes there as well and hugs her aunt and mother. NK then comes there too and says that they all need to help him decorate instead of standing around.

Everyone is in the living room where NK is asking Anjali how to decorate the house. Bua sees Sheetal sitting there too and asks Khushi why she is there to which Khushi says that it was a need and she can't tell her to leave now. Aarav is playing with a basketball and suddenly hurts his leg. Khushi gets up right away to tend to him whereas Sheetal comments that Aarav is a big boy and can take care of himself. Everyone is sorta surprised to see that Sheetal is being so casual about her son being hurt. Khushi walks away with Aarav telling him that she will apply turmeric paste on his wound so that it closes up soon. Sheetal talks to herself and says that it's good that Khushi is already taking care of Aarav because once Sheetal gets the money, then she'll walk away rich and leave Aarav here.

Mami and Payal are sitting in the living room and it's almost night. Mami tells Payal to take care of Aakash and gets emotional so she walks away leaving Payal alone in the living room. Payal drops a box and Arnav picks it up for her, and keeps his phone on the table nearby. Sheetal is standing on the staircase watching the exchange between Payal and Arnav. Arnav tells Payal to take care and that he will take care of Khushi. The two walk separate ways. Sheetal comes down the staircase and Arnav's phone rings and Sheetal is about to call out for Arnav but sees that the caller ID says "Dr Saxena" on it. She wonders why Arnav is getting a call from Aarav's diabetes doctor right now, she is about to answer when Arnav takes the phone from her and tells her that he was on the phone with his doctor who said that his sugar levels are well under control. Sheetal smiles and Arnav walks away. Arnav stops and thinks to himself that in a few hours, he will bring the true side of Sheetal out in front of the entire Raizada family. The episode ends on his determined face.



Credit: Saraa

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 383] 8th November 2012 Written Update


Khushi telling Arnav that Arav is his kid, Arnav calls Khushi mad and that him and Sheetal didn’t have any such relation, Khushi shows Arnav the report and he is shocked reading it and states that this is not possible, Khushi states that she asked Sheetal and she too confirmed it. Khushi tells Arnav he has rights and he gets angry stating he knows what is his right.

At dinner Nani wants Arnav to eat but he isn’t hungry, Sheetal informs Arnav that they are leaving tomorrow, Arav asks why he wasn’t told, Sheetal informs that everything happened quickly. Family wants Sheetal to stay a bit longer, but she makes excuses that they have to go. Arav goes to Arnav and states other then him he doesn’t have any friends, Arnav promises to visit and tells Arav to never say he is alone, Arav abd Arnav hug and Khushi looks on.

Nani and family sitting down, stating the house has changed knowing Arav is leaving like he is our own. Arnav talking to Khushi about what is happening and asks if Khushi is with him, Khushi states she will always be with him.

Arnav goes to see Sheetal and informs that he knows, Sheetal breaks down and tells him to forget everything and Arav is her kid only, she didn’t come here to break his marriage, Aranv tries to explain, Sheetal continues that she doesn’t want their money and they will elave tomorrow. Arnav wants to say something but Khushi asks about Arav, Sheetal replies time heals everything and in time he will forget about Arnav, Arnav seems angry and leaves.

Khushi tries to explain to Arnav but Arnav tells her there is nothing to be done at the moment, and to trust him and everything will be okay. Khushi thinking that she will make everything okay.
Khushi has a bag packed at night and Arnav is asleep, she states that as long as she is here he wont accept Arav so she has to leave, this will be hard but it needs to be done. She comes back into the room and looks at Arnav, there is a rabba ve session, she sits next to Arnav and touches his face and kisses him on the cheek. She remembers Arnav asking her to promise to never leave her. Khushi thinking she needs to leave before she gets weak and changes her mind. As she is about to leave Aranv grabs hold of her dupatta and asks if she is leaving, she states that she needs to leave for Arav. He asks if she leaves quietly will everything be okay. Khushi hugs Arnav, she states that she doesn’t know, but he replies that Arnav and Khushi will always be together.

In the Morning, Khushi comes with tea for Arnav, she tells him to rest as he didn’t sleep all night, she understands and she is with him all the way. Arnav tries to explain that he wasn’t like that, Khushi states she doesn’t need an explanation, Arnav informs that he needs one and find out what is happening, Khushi explains that the report shows everything, Arnav states he would know if something happened, he explains what happens will be with her and asks if she will be with him, she agrees.

Sheetal explains what happened its in the past, Arnav informs that he doesn’t think Arav is his kid and he doesn’t remember anything, Sheetal explains that he was very drunk that night, Arnav states it doesn’t make sense. Sheetal explains that they were together graduation night, Arnav asks he doesn’t remember and why she didn’t say anything, Sheetal explains that he broke up the next day and she was broken therefore left and found out a few days later that she was pregnant. She knew she would not have an abortion and would become a single mom, she didn’t want him to miss having a father but she was unable to, but promises this will not happen in the future.

Khushi states that Arav needs Arnav, but Sheetal disagrees and wants to leave. Khushi runs after Sheetal and Aranv is confused about everything.

Khushi tries to stop Sheetal but she is adamant to leave, Arnav is looking on confused. And Arav is looking on sad. Khushi tries holding on to Sheetal and Sheetal trips and falls down the stairs and sprains her ankle.

The doctor states that its nothing serious and she needs to rest. Sheetal explains that she slipped. Khushi blames herself, but Sheetal states its not her fault and wants to leave. Nani explains that she needs to stay to get better. Aranv agrees for her to stay and leaves. Mami asks about Akash but he went to office early. Mami is happy hearing this.

Khushi goes to Arnav, he apologises for what is happening and asks for some time, Khushi trusts him and he asks how she can be like this and she replies because of him, they star at each other.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 382] 7th November 2012 Written Update


The episode begins with Sheetal asking Khushi whether she would agree to leave Arnav for the sake and happiness of Aarav, when Khushi doesn't say anything, Sheetal continues to say that it's better that Sheetal herself remains out of this and the truth isn't confessed out to Arnav because it would only raise more issues and problems. Khushi doesn't say anything and walks out. Nani stops her and asks where she is going to which Khushi says that she's going out for some important work, Nani tells her to come back soon. Khushi agrees and talks to Devi Mayya and says that she is leaving this all upon Her and whether this time, what she has wished for happens or not is upon her.

Aarav is shown waiting at his school near the entrance where the other students are walking in with their parents. Aarav just keeps looking at the kids and doesn't say anything to them. Three kids walk upto him and tease Aarav about not even knowing the name of his father therefore, how will he participate in the competition. Aarav remains quiet and looks sad. On the other hand, Sheetal is stuck in the traffic and wonders why she is getting all the red lights just when she needs to reach Aarav as soon as possible. Aarav is told by his teacher to sit down inside instead of standing outside. Aarav goes inside where the musical competition is announced. The fathers have to play along with their kids and it's a "Jugul Bandi" between different father-son duo. Aarav looks at the drum set but doesn't raise his hand when asked if he would like to participate. 3 other sets of father-son pairs walk up and that's when Khushi and Sheetal walk inside as well. Sheetal tries to get the attention of Aarav but he is busy looking in his book so doesn't pay any attention to her. Just then the announcer asks for the last time whether there is anyone who would like to take the drum set and Arnav comes in and says that he would like to take the stage too. Everyone looks at him, Khushi is excited whereas Aarav is confused. Arnav tells the announcer that his name is Arnav Singh Raizada and his partner would be Aarav. Aarav gets really happy and walks upto him and the two take the seat behind the drum set. Aarav first plays along with his other classmates. Khushi standing on the other end of the room wonders to herself why Arnav had to make a grand entry like Salman Khan when he doesn't know how to play any instrument. Sheetal just then tells her that Arnav was the most amazing drummer back in college. Khushi looks at her and then at Arnav. Arnav takes the stage then and starts playing. He first gets the father playing flute out, then the one playing guitar and finally the one behind the tabla out too. Aarav gets very excited when he's announced as the winner and calls Arnav "Dad" to which Arnav is shocked, whereas Khushi and Sheetal are looking like they are in pain. Aarav apologizes to which Arnav says that it's okay and they won! They do their unique handshake and then Arnav's phone rings. Khushi notices how Aarav doesn't want to leave Arnav's hand and holds it tighter. Khushi tells herself that she will have to tell Arnav soon that Aarav is his son because she doesn't like hiding this from him.

Back at the RM, Aarav is telling everyone very excitedly how Arnav came and he won. Nani turns to Sheetal and says that your SR has changed our SR and that maybe it's time that Khushi and Arnav start their own family. Arnav looks at Khushi who looks away and leaves the room. Mami says that it's the first time she has seen Khushi blushing. Arnav just looks on after Khushi.

Khushi is in the kitchen and Sheetal comes there. Sheetal tells Khushi that what she was doing was wrong and Khushi says that she is merely cutting onions and that's why the tears came to her eyes. Sheetal tells her that Aarav had called Arnav dad in excitement and it means nothing and shouldn't upset Khushi. She walks out and Khushi thinks back on Sheetal's words from earlier in the morning about Khushi not wanting to leave Arnav ever. Khushi decides to tell Arnav everything about Aarav being his son.

Khushi enters her room. There are candles everywhere and there is a rose and card on the bed. Khushi opens it and starts reading just when Arnav walks in and starts reading what he has written himself. He tells Khushi that she is the most important person in his life and that before Khushi, his life was nothing but it doesn't matter to him because he feels as if in the past 6 months he has lived his life to the max with Khushi. Arnav moves closer to Khushi and she moves away to which Arnav tells her that hadn't she heard what Nani had said downstairs that it's time they start planning their own family. Khushi holds onto Arnav's hand and says that there is one more important member in their family, Arnav asks who she is talking about. Khushi says that it's Aarav. Arnav looks at Khushi in anger, and gets up from the bed. He says that just because he had called Arnav dad once out of excitement does not mean that Aarav is his son and that she had forced him to be there. Khushi counter argues and tells him that it's not because of this one time, but that his own son had called him dad. Arnav looks at her in shock and says "What?!" Khushi then completes her sentence and says that Aarav is Arnav's biological son.

Episode ends.


Arnav and Khushi enter Sheetal's room. Arnav tells Sheetal that Khushi told him everything about Aarav and that he is Arnav's son. Sheetal has tears in her eyes and she says that Arnav should forget everything and that they had met by chance and she never intended on meeting Arnav. Sheetal further says that Aarav is only her son and no one elses.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 381] 06th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi coming to Sheetal’s room and asking her, who is your husband? She says, I may not have rights to ask you this question.. but it’s very important for me know who is your husband. Sheetal tries to avoid her question, but Khushi says to her, don’t try to change the topic.. I am Aarav that you can tell me whatever.. I must know who is your husband.. and that too today and right now. Sheetal says, I can’t tell. Khushi says, you have to and asks her, why can’t you tell me? Sheetal says, because there is a reason. Khushi asks, what kind of reason? Sheetal says, when I don’t care about Aarav’s father and where is he, then why do you care? Khushi says, lie.. if you really didn’t care, then you would have told everyone about it. Sheetal still says, i don’t care. Khushi say, no. .it matters a lot to you and says, I have a proof. sheetal asks, what proof? Khushi says, if it doesn’t matter then why did you keep fast today? I saw everything. Sheetal says, I didn’t keep any fast.. it’s just your misunderstanding. Khushi says, no.. I saw myself.. you looking at moon from your dupatta and then drank water. Sheetal says, something was stuck in my dupatta .. that’s why. Khushi says, okay, but then you also looked at Arnav from your dupatta.. and drank water from same pot from which Arnav made me drink water. Sheetal is all quiet. Khushi says, I have no misunderstanding.. you kept Karva-Chauth fast and that too for Arnav. Sheetal asks, but why would I keep fast for Arnav? Khushi says, because Arnav is Aarav’s father.

Khushi shows her the DNA report and asks whether the results are wrong. Sheetal is shocked reading the document. Khushi continues that Arav and Arnav share blood. Sheetal sits on the bed with the report in her hand and apologises, Khushi states why she didn’t tell the truth, Sheetal states that she didn’t want to hurt her son and wanted to keep all this from him and that if the truth came out they would take her son from her. Khushi consoles Sheetal, Sheetal asks Khushi not to tell Arnav, she tells Khushi that if he takes custody she wont be able to handle it. She tells him that he came to Mumbai looking for him, but then she found out he is married and there is nothing left here for her and was ready to leave, but then due to situations she had to stay behind. She tells Khushi Arav will not understand and what if Arav wants to stay here, she cant let this happen, the family are so nice and she cant do this to them and break the family. Sheetal tells everything is in Khushi’s hand and begs her not to say anything to anyone, Khushi is in turmoil about what to do.

Khushi is in bed and Aranv is awake as well. Aranv states he knows she is awake and sees that she is upset, he asks what the matter is but she lies that she is okay, Khushi recalls moments between Arav and Arnav, Arnav wants to know what the matter is, Khushi lies and states that she was thinking about her dad. Khushi states she always thought she was unlucky she didn’t have a dad, but is lucky that she had someone to call dad. She continues that Arav must want to call someone dad, Aranv agrees. Khushi holds Aranv’s hand and states that’s all it was.

In the morning Khushi comes down stairs and sees Sheetal in the dining area, NK enquires that Khushi si quiet and that it doesn’t suit her. Arav comes and Sheetal tells her to have breakfast. Sheetal tells Arav about meeting a broker. Arav tells Sheetal there is a function at school. Sheetal tells her she will pick him up and they will go for a movie. Arav leaves stating that he isn’t hungry. Nani tells Sheetal that breakfast is important. Khushi volunteers to take the food to him.

Arav is packing his school things, Khushi makes small talk with Arav how breakfast is a important meal of the day. Arav states that he knows she is trying to cheer her up but he doesn’t need help, if anyone asks about his dad he says he doesn’t know and doesn’t need him. Arav leaves and Khushi thinks that it is important for him to know.

Khushi goes to her room and Arnav asks if she is okay, she goes to hug him and Arnav is concerned about her. Khushi talks about Arav.

Khushi continues that Arav is missing his father and needs a father in his life, she continues that she is worrying about Arav. Arnav continues that they will do what they can for him. Khushi informs him about the father’s day function with Arav, Arnav asks how can he go, Khushi states that he needs a father and he needs him. Arnav is confused but Khushi covers up and tells him not to think about anything else and to think about Arav. Arnav tells Khushi that this might not look good, Khushi is adamant for Arnav to go and to think about the now rather then the future. Khushi takes Arnavs hand and states that who knows better then him about not having a father in someone’s life. Arnav agrees and continues that doing this is not right, he leaves from there.

Khushi goes to Sheetal asking about Arav, Sheetal states he went to school. Khushi continues that Arav has the right to know that Arnav is her father. Sheetal continues what if Arnav wants her son, what will happen then will Arnav leave her or will she leave Arnav. Khushi is worried.

Episode ends.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 380] 5th November 2012 Written Update


Arnav and Khushi romancing and finally the moon comes out and Khushi runs out. Mami is talking to Mama on the phone and breaks her fast, other women are slowly breaking their fast as well, Payal is looking through the taali at Akash and Anjali is taking pictures of everything. Everyone finishes the breaking fast rituals, Anjali looks slightly upset and Nani consoles her, Anjali says she may be upset but is happy for everyone and she is fine. There is a hand coming out of the table and taking food, Anjali sees this in the camera and goes to the table. She sees that its NK and takes a photo, NK seems to have been cought with the taali and runs away, he then sees Sheetal through the taali, Mami comes in saying Karva Chauth in reverse and looks at Sheetal. Khushi then breaks her fast and questions Arnav about the challenge, Sheetal is looking on as Arnav is breaking KHushi’s fast with a Jalebi. Khushi sees Sheetal looking but Sheetal turns her back.

Khushi is at the poolside and is tidying up and wonders where the taal is. Sheetal is seeing all this from inside. Nani enquires about Arav but he is sleeping. As Arnav goes to sit down he sees Khushi outside and goes to get her to come in to eat. Sheetal states she will go and help Khushi, she comes th to Khushi for help but Khushi declines and states she cant find her taal. Sheetal wants to help and Arnav states for them to go as he will not eat without her. As Khushi is walking she is wondering about Sheetal. Sheetal gets her shawl out and looks at the moon through it, she calls Arnav’s name and looks at him through the shawl and makes excuses about a phone call. Khushi tells Arnav to go ahead and that she will be along in a while. She notices Sheetal going under the table and drinking water from her Taali and is shocked about what she is seeinga dn that Sheetal used her taal. This means Sheetal kept a fast for Arnav.

Khushi asks where Arnav is taking her, he tells her he wants to give her something. Khushi talks to herself that she needs to speak to Sheetal. NK states that after fasting food tastes even better. Nani complements about his fasting and that he will get a good wife. Arnav tells Khushi to get ready as they are going out for dinner. Khushi says she is tired but Arnav wants to do something special for Khushi but she tells him to leave it and they will do it any other day. Arnav calls Aman to cancel the reservation. Khushi notices a envelope with her name and it seems like some legal documentation. Arnav tells her that her Dabba service is a legitimate company now. Khushi holds her ears and apologises and wonders how to fix it. She tries to think of ways to make it up but nothing matches, this makes Arnav laugh and he hugs her. Khushi asks what made him think of this, he wants her to be independent as one day he may not be there, Khushi gets upset with him talking like this. As they are about to leave Arav comes in asking for a favour.

Arav and Arnav are playing chess and everyone is watching. Payal states how Arav and Arnav look like each other. Nani states that she never realised how nicely he gets on with Arav. Khushi asks about Sheetal to Payal, Payal asks if Khushi ate well. NK asks for a glass of water. She then gets a letter from the servant and it’s the DNA report, she recalls her conversation with Arnav and wonders if this is Devi Maiyaa’s wish, she opens the letter and is apprehensive, she reads the letter and is shocked and teary about the results, she looks at both Arav and Arnav and back at the letter. Arav stating he will make Arnav lose, but Arnav states he wont lose. Arav does check mate and Aranv loses and they both clap hands.


Sheetal denies keeping Vrat and Khushi shouts that Sheetal did keep a vrat and that to for Arnav and shows her the document and states that Arav and Arnav are father and son.

Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 379] 3rd November 2012 Written Update

Episode starts with Aarav calling to Sheetal and she goes in. Khushi tells everyone else that Sheetal will manage alone. Aakash agrees and says, we should leave her alone for some time. Everyone agrees. Sheetal goes in Aarav’s room. He apologizes to her. Sheetal says to him, what will happen by saying sorry? Why don’t you listen to me? Why did you go there? What if anything happened to you? Aarav says, I want to meet dad. Sheetal says, even I want you to meet your dad, but everything doesn’t happen the way we want. Aarav says, not even once? Sheetal says, I am with you na.. what else you want? Aarav says, yea and they hug. Khushi is watching them and gets emotional.

Sheetal comes to the living room where whole Raizada family has gathered. She tells everyone, Aarav is fine now. Arnav apologizes to Sheetal. She says to him, you don’t need to apologize and I will take care from next time. Manorama reminds everyone, tomorrow is Karva-Chauth. Sheetal gets excited and says, even I forgot. She then goes somewhere. Khushi explains Nk, it’s one of the most important days for a wife. Arnav says, yea right.. and leaves from there. Nk asks what happened to him? Khushi says, he doesn’t believe in this day. Anjali gets lost in some thoughts. Khushi sees her and holds her hand. Anjali says, yes and it’s first Karva-Chauth of my two bhabhis. Payal says, I will definitely keep this fast, am not sure about Khushi. Khushi says, why not? I will also keep this fast. She then prays God to help her in keeping this fast.

All bahus are getting mehendi done in their hands. Anjali is putting mehendi on Khushi’s hand. Nk is putting mehendi on Manorama mami’s hand. Sheetal comes there and asks, wow can I put mehendi too? Mami says, you kept fast too? Sheetal says, no I just like mehendi. Nani then puts mehendi in Sheetal’s hand. Khushi gets lost in thoughts and looks at Sheetal. Khushi’s mehendi is done and she’s going upstair where she sees Aarav. She tells him, you should be resting.. what are you doing here? Aarav says, I am fine and why everyone is making noise? Khushi says, it’s Karva-Chauth tomorrow so all bahus are getting mehendi done in their hands. Aarav says, oh yes.. it’s the festival when mumma fasts. Aarav now goes to Sheetal. Khushi is in her room and eating one last time before midnight like she has never seen food before. She is talking to herself while eating. She says, on one side Sheetal says she is not keeping this fast, and on the other side Aarav says, she keeps this fast. And if she does this fast, then for who? Arnav comes there and asks her what’s going on? Khushi says, I am eating as much as I can until midnight, so I don’t remember about all this tomorrow. read full update with pictures only at Arnav says, okay. And then he tries to eat too, but Khushi tells him, don’t touch this food.. it’s for me. Arnav tells her, who told you to do all this? Khushi says, why not? All wives keep this fast for their husbands long life. Arnav says, I don’t believe in all this. Khushi says, but I do believe and she tells him to learn something from Salman Khan who keeps fast for her wives in all his movies. Arnav asks, so you want me to fast? Khushi says, no.. else you will get sick. Arnav tells her, you can’t keep this fast. Khushi says, you don’t know me properly yet.. once I commit then … and then some sounds come from her stomach. Arnav laughs and challenges her that she can’t fast. Khushi asks, what kind of husband you are? Arnav says, if I win then no fasting from next time. Khushi agrees.

All ladies are cooking in kitchen where Nani tells them, why are you helping me? I should be preparing all this alone for all my bahus. Khushi says, we are helping so all food get prepared faster. Anjali says, it is so much fun.. wake up early .. prepare food like this and eat in morning.. and then don’t eat anything whole day. She then tells everyone not to worry.. at least no one is betraying now.. and she is very hapy now. In the background, mami is snoring. She opens her eyes and asks if food is ready or no. Nk also wakes up early to encourage all bahus. Nani gives some gifts to bahus and they do other rituals. Khushi tells everyone to eat as much as they can because sometimes moon take forever to show up. All these remind Nani of her husband. Khushi says, and my husband.. snoring and sleeping there. Sheetal comes there now and she wows seeing Kheer. She says, it’s my favorite desert.. can I eat? Anjali invites Sheetal. Sheetal sits down beside Nani who feeds her Kheer. This reminds Khushi how Nani said that it’s ritual that sasuma feeds her bahu first. Khushi says, yesterday night mehendi and now kheer.. isn’t it like she’s keeping this fast? and if she is.. then for who?

Khushi is dreaming.. Arnav breaking fast of Sheetal and Arnav says, awesome-threesome. When Arnav is about to give a hug to Sheetal.. Khushi says to Sheetal, you witch. Khushi gets up all of a sudden. She says to herself, now she started coming in my dreams too. She wonders how she will do this fast. She says, husbands should fast too. She says, it’s okay.. I will do it. I won’t think about gol gappe, jalebis.. she says to herself, you will have to do this.. else Arnav will win. She worries how the day will pass.. she has to kpep this fast and on top of that find out what’s going on with Sheetal.

She comes downstairs where everyone is at dining table. Arnav is eating his breakfast. Khushi asks Arnav, will you eat all this? Arnav says, so? I don’t have any fast. Manorama gets excited seeing all the food. She says, should I break my fast? Khushi also has water in her mouth and wants to eat. Mamiji somehow controls herself and leaves from there. Nk is not eating anything either. He says, how much you will torture me? And then he says, I mean Khushi ji. Nk sees Sheetal coming there, and says, you have to do so much for you love. When Sheetal comes there, he says, I also kept this fast so I get a good wife. Anjali asks him, what kind of wife do you want? Nk looks at Sheetal and says, I want a wife that is modern from outside, but traditional from inside, an independent, etc.. and the one who loves playing basketball. Anjali says, basketball? Isn’t it a strange demand? Nk says, someone with whom you get happy when talking. Khushi and Nk ask Sheetal to have breakfast too, but Sheetal says, I don’t eat such oily food in the morning. She leaves from there. Anjali asks Arnav to eat another food saying it’s delicious. Khushi closes her eyes and says to Anjali, you both brother and sister are alike. She leaves from there. Nk follows her. Anjali and Arnav laugh. Anjali says to Arnav, it was so much fun.. but why are we doing this with Khushi? Arnav says, you know I don’t believe in all this. We can’t decide how much a person can live doing all this.. fasting and stuff.

Khushi is talking with herself and says, I know he is doing all this purposely. But I won’t give up. Mami also says, I won’t give up. They two sit down together on a side where no one can bother them. But Arnav comes there with a bowl in his hand. He asks Khushi to make aalu-ke-pakode for him. Khushi has no choice.. she goes to the kitchen. Arnav is in the kitchen as well.. Khushi tells him, I will tell Hariprasad to make them. Arnav says, no.. I want the ones made by my wife.. no one makes them like her. Arnav slowly slowly says the recipe and how Khushi makes them so khushi gets excited. In end he says, and then me and you eat them together. Khushi gets excited and says, I will make them right now. After pakores are ready.. Khushi says, let me taste one. And then she realizes that she is doing a fast. She asks Arnav, why are you doing this with me? She gives them to Arnav, but he says.. I don’t want them now. He leaves. Khushi is looking at the pakores. Arnav comes back and tells her, no one is watching.. you can have one. He leaves. Khushi controls herself and doesn’t eat.

Arnav is sitting outside with his family. Khushi comes there with pakores and says, I specially made for Arnav. She then says how spicy they are and stuff. Nk and Manorama tell her, we were with you in the morning and now how can you do this with us? Khushi asks Arnav to eat but he says, no way..they are so oily. He says, give them to Sheetal… she is our guest. He leaves. Khushi is curious to know if Sheetal eats them or no. Sheetal makes excuses that Aarav has homework. But everyone forces her so she takes a plate and says, I will eat in my room while helping Aarav with his homework. Khushi also goes somehwere. Nk says, don’t know when this moon will come out. Nani says, there’s still time.

Khushi is wondering if Sheetal would have eaten those pakores or no. Aarav doesn’t like them, just like Arnav, so he won’t eat them. She then says, it wouldn’t be difficult to find out. She goes to Sheetal’s room and says, I just came to see what work needs to be done for diwali. She’s then going around the room to search for the empty plate. She finally sees the empty plate below bed and has a sigh of relief. She leaves from there happily. She goes outside and sees Hariprasad. He says to her, your pakores were awesome. Khushi says, what? You ate those pakores? Hariprashad says that Sheetal gave them to him as she didn’t want to eat them. Khushi says to herself, that means Sheetal kept this fast. And why is she hiding? It can only mean one thing.. the person who she kept fast for.. is in this house only.

It’s evening now. All guests are in and everyone is waiting for moon to come out. Nani introduces Sheetal to the guests. One of the guests asks Sheetal, what does your husband do? Sheetal makes excuse that she has to see Aarav and leaves from there. Khushi goes to the pool side to see if moon came out. Arnav is on the phone with someone there, but Khushi doesn’t see him yet. Khushi sees food in front of her eyes and gets excited. Arnav brings food in front of her and asks her to eat.. he says, no one is watching. Khushi gets furious and says, what do you think.. I am keeping this fast just for show off? All this seem a joke to you right? Yes, I agree that I am hungry and I am thinking about food over and over.. but forgive me.. all this might be joke for you.. not for me. I want to keep this fast. Arnav says, okay I am sorry. Khushi continues, I want to stay happy with you for forever.. and I believe that forever will get longer by keeping this fast.. can’t you understand? Arnav gives her a hug and says, I am sorry. Can I do something to make you feel better? Khushi points at the sky and asking to bring moon indirectly. Arnav turns her around and asks her to look into the water. Khushi sees her own face and smiles.

A song plays in background. Arnav kisses Khushi’s hand. And then they dance. Arnav carries her and is about to kiss her. But Khushi gets shy and just hugs him. She says to him, it’s a very special day for me today. Arnav asks, why special? Khushi says, because it’s my first Karva-Chauth vrat today and it is for your longer age. And I will keep it every year. Arnav asks her, can all this happen just with one fasting? Khushi says, I believe in it so.

Khushi is then opening something and it goes into her eyes. Arnav blows into her eyes to take that out. He then snatches pooja’s thaal from her. Khushi asks him to return it to her, but he doesn’t and he again tries to kiss her. But Khushi smartly takes it back from him. She tries to run away but her earing gets stuck into Arnav’s shirt’s button which reminds her of a similar incident that happened before. Arnav then points at the sky signaling moon is out, but it hasn’t. Khushi then runs away from there and is about to fall down. Arnav quickly catches her and says, I will keep taking care for forever.


Moon is out and Sheetal looks at the moon first. She then shouts, Arnav so he looks at her. She quickly looks back to him through her dupatta and breaks her fast after looking at his face. Khushi notices all that.