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Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 386] 13th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Aakash asking everyone, do you want to do real farewell or no? Aakash and Payal meet everyone one last time. Manorama and everyone else have tears in their eyes. Aakash tells Khushi always to be happy like this and take care of Arnav. Arnav tells Aakash, I will really miss you. Aakash says, now you have got thisi small Aarav.. it will be fine. Nk also gets emotional, but still he tries to cheer everyone up. Anjali then gives Aakash a raksha-dhaga saying it will protect him. Aakash and Payal leave.

Khushi asking that diya should be put everywhere. NK talking to someone about looking at flowers. Nani queries if the sweet food have arrived and NK informs that Arnav is looking after that.

Nani wants to order more, and NK asks for chocolate and Mami asks for Cham Cham, Khushi can make the Jalebi’s so no need to order it. Khushi asks if Arav likes sweet food, he replies he doesn’t like he likes it very much, Khushi replies they are the same. Arav asks questions about what is happening, and Khushi informs that its Diwali and this is what happens, Anjali and Khushi wonder what to give the pandit, Arnav asks where Arav is and suddenly Khushi cant find him saying he might be in his room.

Arav is by the poolside making cards and Arnav is impressed, Arav says that he makes them in the Ashram and people come to buy them, Arnav asks what else he did, Arav informs how people used to come to donate stuff. Arav informs that this is his first diwali in someone’s house and Arnav corrects that its their house.

Khushi is cleaning and Aranv questions why she is doing it again, Khushi says that was a while ago and Godess Lakshmi may not come if their house is dirty. Arnav is thinking about Arav and what he said, Khushi stating that it will take time for him to adjust and for him not to worry she will make it memorable for him. Arnav states no fireworks as its not good and dangerous, diwali is about lights and not about masti and fireworks. Khushi complains that he is making Arav like him and he doesn’t like anything.

Nani is telling the story of Ram and Sita. How diwali celebrates his return and becoming a king. Khushi is making ladoo and Arav wants to have one, but she tells him its for the Godess Lakshmi, Arav gets angry shouting what is the point in making Ladoo if you are not able to eat them. Khushi tries to sternly explain but then Arav breaks a vase. Khushi disciplines him that this is not acceptable, Arav walks away. Khushi tries to explain that Arav doesn’t know how to act.

Arnav questions Khushi about what happened downstairs and that if someone wanted the ladoo then what is the issue, Khushi tries to explain that it was for Prasad but it falls on deaf ears. Khushi explains that Arav needs to understand about right and wrong. Arnav asks if when she was little she had ladoo from the taali and Khushi replies yes and then stops and says to forget it all those are all long ago. Khushi thinks that Arav should apologise and Arnav thinks that he needs to placate Arav. As Arnav leaves Khushi thinking that both father and son will driver her crazy.

Khushi making rangoli and thinking this is her first diwali after being married and Aranv is still arguing just like before, this will never change. Mami steps on the rangoli and makes an excuse, Khushi thinking this is a bad day. Arnav comes to help and Khushi asks what he is doing, he states they are making new rituals, he puts rangoli on her nose. They have a staring match and rabba ve in the background, he wishes her happy diwali and kisses her on the cheek. Arnav accidently messes the rangoli and makes an excuse and leaves.

Mami and NK have a promotion talk about cricket starting on TV.

Nani and Anjali ask Aarav to forget everything now and ask him to smile. Aarav is still angry. Nk now tries to make him smile. He tells Aarav, this angry face doesn’t suit on you and says to him, you can watch football match with me in my room. Aarav says, thanks but no thanks.. I don’t want to watch match. Now Manorama tries to cheer him up, but Aarav is still angry.

It’s Laxmi poojan time.. Manorama takes Aarav with him. Whole Raizada family does Laxmi Poojan together. Aarav, Arnav, and Khushi does aarti together and episode ends.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 385] 12th November 2012 Written Update

Everyone is waiting for Arnav while Aakash and Payal are getting ready to leave. Anjali is getting worried for some reason and says, something is going to happen today. Khushi says in her mind, don’t say like that.. I am scaring more than you thinking about what surprise Arnav is going to give. Sheetal also comes there and asks about Arnav. Buaji says to her, you’re asking about Arnav.. are you also waiting for Arnav? Sheetal says.. no .. I asked just like that. She then says in her mind, just some time and then you all will be surprised when I destroy your lives and you won’t have a clue what had happened. Arnav returns home. Khushi asks him, where were you .. I called you so many times. Arnav says, sorry.. I was busy. Arnav then tells Sheetal that he talked with Pranav today with whom Sheetal said she was on the phone before. Anjali asks Arnav, what is the surprise? At the same time, someone enters Raizada house. Seeing him, sheetal says, Pranav?

Arnav says, so strange na. Pranav says that he hasn’t talked to Sheetal since many years. Sheetal then says, I was talking with some other Pranav that time. Arnav then asks Khushi to stay with Aarav.

Arnav now says, so it’s time.. I have invited some special people for tonight. Some lady comes and says, Sheetal was staying with me since last two months as a paying guest.. she never paid rent on time. Anjali asks Arnav, but Sheetal was staying in USA right? Arnav says, Sheetal was saying that.. but it doesn’t mean it was true. Now someone named Mr. Chopra comes in. Arnav asks him, so do you know her (Sheetal). Mr. Chopra says, yes.. she is Sheetal Kapoor and we were finding her since long time because she has 3 credit cards of our bank and she crossed credit limits. She never did any payment and it doesn’t look like that she wants to pay. Sheetal says, it’s all lie. Arnav says, nope.. there are more people. Another guy comes in who says that Sheetal went to him and asked him to give basketball training to Aarav. Nk asks Sheetal, but you said that Aarav knows how to play basketball.. did you lie to us? Sheetal asks Arnav, what you trying to do by doing all this? are you insulting me? Arnav says, no.. i am just telling truth to everyone. Anjali asks Sheetal, what was the reason to lie? Arnav says, you will find everything soon. Sheetal says, enough is enough.. I can’t take this anymore… I am leaving. She forgets that she has got injured in leg and she starts walking away from there with Aarav. Everyone is shocked.

Another lady comes in. Aarav goes to her and hugs her. Lady says, Aarav was the most favorite kid in her Aashram and Sheetal adopted him before 2 months. Sheetal tries to stop the lady, but Arnav stops her and says, surprise is not over yet. Khushi gets shocked and asks, so Aarav is not sheetal’s child? Arnav says, yes.. sheetal is not his mother. Aarav says, no.. she told me herself that she is my mother and you (Arnav) are my… Sheetal stops Aarav from saying anything more. Arnav asks Aarav, what more did she say? Tell us more.. I am here na. Aarav continues, she said that she is my mother and you’re my father.. when I was little baby.. you left me in Aashram because you didn’t like me. She said, I was like you already and if I become fully like you, then you would accept me. Nani asks Sheetal, why all this? Arnav sasys, Sheetal had got bankrupt and to pay all her bills.. she decided to trap her old rich friend which was me. She adopted Aarav and trained him to behave like me. She then found out about Khushi and decided to make Khushi believe that Aarav is my son.. because then Khushi would do everything to make sure Aarav gets his rights. She set up everything the way so Khushi finds out everything easily.

Khushi recalls the past events with her and Aarav. Arnav continues, Sheetal knew that if khushi finds out about this then she will sacrifice anything for Aarav.. and she almost did that.. she was leaving everyone. Arnav then tells Sheetal, your plan was good but you made one mistake. For graduate night.. I was pretending to be drunk so my friends don’t force me to drink. I remembered that when you said your fake story.. but I just didn’t react that time because I wanted to find why are you doing all this and why did you involve Aarav in this. Khushi says, but what about DNA reports? Arnav says, yea.. even I don’t know how DNA reports matched.

Sheetal smiles and says to Arnav, so you agree that there is something that even you couldn’t figure it out. She says, now there is no point of hiding anything.. when I found out that Khushi collected your hair sample.. I exchanged your hair sample with Aarav’s hair so reports were definitely going to match. Arnav says, I understand exchanging hair.. but you’re so sick that you made fake reports about Aarav’s sugar level. He says, who knew the quiet girl of the class would do all these frauds. Sheetal says, it’s easy for you to say because you got money.. I did all this for money… and what’s wrong with it? I didn’t kill anyone. You’re very rich.. if you had given me some then it wouldn’t matter to you. It was such a good plan, but this damn kid (Aarav). Khushi goes to Sheetal and gives her a hard slap.

Khushi tells her not to a word against Aarav. She asks her, aren’t you ashamed of calling you a woman? You tried to break my marriage.. you used this innocent kid.. and using innocent kid like this is no less than killing someone. Khushi goes on.. I am so silly that I thought that I am the reason for your sadness. Arnav says to Khushi.. no .. people who give up their happiness for others are great, not silly or stupid. Sheetal did all this with you because you’re a good person. Arnav then tells Sheetal, one more guest is waiting for you. Police come in and arrest Sheetal in a fraud case. Arnav thanks everyone else for coming and saying the truth..all guests leave except lady from the Aashram. Aarav runs to Khushi and hugs her.

Break 1..

Khushi tells Aarav not to worry..e verything will be fine. Lady from the Aashram thanks Khushi for saving Aarav from all this and says, it’s time to take him back to Aashram. Aarav meets everyone one last time and takes blessings from them. Everyone is sad as Aarav is leaving. Khushi stops lady and tells her not to take Aarav. Lady says, he will have to return to Aashram.. he is an orphan and maybe his place is in Aashram only. Khushi says, don’t say like that. She then goes to Arnav and asks, can’t Aarav stay here? With all of us? Arnav says, I told you that i will always take care of him right.

Break 2..

Arnav says, if Aarav wants.. he can live here forever. Aarav runs to Arnav and hugs him. Nani says, he became our family member long time ago.. how can he leave us? Lady from the Aashram says, I appreciate all this, but if you want to keep him here, then you have to adopt him legally. And until that doesn’t happen.. he will have to stay in Aashram. Before Khushi says anything to Arnav.. Arnav says to her, yes we will adopt Aarav. Aarav asks them, you will adopt me? Arnav says, yes.. and that’s if you want us to be your parents. Aarav and Arnav hug. Anjali tells Khushi, I am really proud of both of you. Lady from the Aashram now says, I will get the papers ready and until then Aarav can stay with you.

Episode ends with happy and smiling faces of everyone.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 384] 9th November 2012 Written Update


The episode starts with Sheetal trying to walk but is limping and Khushi helps her. Everyone is in the living room. Arnav comes there just then and Nani asks where Aakash is to which Payal says that he is busy with the USA deal and is really tensed. Aakash comes and hugs Nani right away, he then announces that he has to leave for USA right away as they got the deal that he was working so hard on. Mami and Nani get emotional and Mami then says that Payal has to go with Aakash as he needs someone to look after Aakash and his father. Anjali gets up and sits with Aakash and says that whenever they miss him, they can always do a video conference. Arnav says that he will make sure that Aakash's work doesn't last very long. He then inquires about Aarav and sets off.

Aarav is watering the plants and Arnav sees this from afar and wonders how can there be soo many similarities. He goes towards Aarav and then kneels down. Aarav says that he will be gone from here in a few days. Arnav tells him to stay longer if he wants to. Aarav says that if he doesn't want him to stay then how can he, Arnav then thinks of Sheetal's words from back when Arnav had asked her to tell Aarav everything about his father to which Sheetal had said that she doesn't want to destroy everyone's happiness and asks Aarav how he knows about this. Aarav tells him that Sheetal had told him everything and why had Arnav left him outside the Baal Aashram? Arnav gets shocked at first and asks what is he talking about to which Aarav says that eventhough Arnav didn't want him, but Sheetal came and took him back home. Arnav apologizes again and again and hugs Aarav and tells him that now he will make everything fine.

Sheetal is shown annoyed on the phone, she tells the person on the other end that Aarav is fine and not to call again. Sheetal hangs up and tells herself that these Aashram people are now annoying her a lot. On the other hand, Arnav tells Aarav to not tell Sheetal anything about what they have just spoken about because they'll surprise her later on. Aarav promises him and they do their unique hi-five/hand shake.

Everyone is in the living room, and Aakash announces that their flight is the following day early morning. Arnav comes there holding Aarav's hand and says that since Aakash and Payal are leaving for a couple of months, they should hold a party the same night. Everyone agrees and Khushi thinks to herself that what is up with Arnav today because he is planning a party all by himself?! Sheetal then says that Aarav and her won't be here tonight as they have to leave to which Arnav says that he has planned a lot of things with Aarav and they can't leave before that. Sheetal smirks to herself. Arnav then tells NK to take care of the preparations while Arnav goes for a meeting. He is about to leave when he turns again and says that he has a surprise for everyone. Anjali asks what it is to which Arnav says that if he tells everyone what the surprise is then it won't be a surprise.Khushi then starts wondering what is wrong with Arnav and he looks so happy. She then wonders that he is probably bringing the mother of his son in this house as well as the son, she starts biting her nails and Payal gets emotional saying that she will miss this "pagalpan" of Khushi the most. The two sisters hug. Sheetal starts limping again and Arnav helps her leaving Khushi amused in the living room.

In Sheetal's room, Arnav says sorry to Sheetal for not being around when he was needed the most. Sheetal tells him that it's not his fault and that he hadn't know to which Arnav says that he needs just this one day and he will make sure everything is fine. He walks out leaving Sheetal in the room alone. Sheetal walks towards the window and tells herself that this is exactly what she had wanted all along, for Arnav to pay for something he had never done. She then laughs and applauds for herself.

Arnav is walking down the stairs smiling to himself when Khushi wonders again what is up with Arnav and why is he smiling to himself today? Khushi asks Arnav why he is smiling to which Arnav says that Sheetal had cracked a joke and he was thinking about it. He walks away and tells Khushi that she should tend to the needs of Aarav and Sheetal and to tell HP to make the food of their choice. Khushi agrees.

Khushi is stressed out about the Arnav-Sheetal-Aarav situation so she starts making jalebi's. Bua and Garima walk in the RM and Bua asks Garima whether she can smell jalebis. They go towards the kitchen and Bua asks Khushi why she is making jalebis and whether something is wrong. Khushi gets happy to see them and hugs the two. Payal comes there as well and hugs her aunt and mother. NK then comes there too and says that they all need to help him decorate instead of standing around.

Everyone is in the living room where NK is asking Anjali how to decorate the house. Bua sees Sheetal sitting there too and asks Khushi why she is there to which Khushi says that it was a need and she can't tell her to leave now. Aarav is playing with a basketball and suddenly hurts his leg. Khushi gets up right away to tend to him whereas Sheetal comments that Aarav is a big boy and can take care of himself. Everyone is sorta surprised to see that Sheetal is being so casual about her son being hurt. Khushi walks away with Aarav telling him that she will apply turmeric paste on his wound so that it closes up soon. Sheetal talks to herself and says that it's good that Khushi is already taking care of Aarav because once Sheetal gets the money, then she'll walk away rich and leave Aarav here.

Mami and Payal are sitting in the living room and it's almost night. Mami tells Payal to take care of Aakash and gets emotional so she walks away leaving Payal alone in the living room. Payal drops a box and Arnav picks it up for her, and keeps his phone on the table nearby. Sheetal is standing on the staircase watching the exchange between Payal and Arnav. Arnav tells Payal to take care and that he will take care of Khushi. The two walk separate ways. Sheetal comes down the staircase and Arnav's phone rings and Sheetal is about to call out for Arnav but sees that the caller ID says "Dr Saxena" on it. She wonders why Arnav is getting a call from Aarav's diabetes doctor right now, she is about to answer when Arnav takes the phone from her and tells her that he was on the phone with his doctor who said that his sugar levels are well under control. Sheetal smiles and Arnav walks away. Arnav stops and thinks to himself that in a few hours, he will bring the true side of Sheetal out in front of the entire Raizada family. The episode ends on his determined face.



Credit: Saraa

Troubles pile on for Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?


Fans have been reeling under the shock of Barun Sobti going on an indefinite break post 23rd November and now Akshay Dogra will shoot for the last time tomorrow. His on screen wife Deepali Pansare is expected to end her stint day after tomorrow.

The amiable couple of Akash Singh Raizada and Payal Raizada are expected to leave for United States on pretext of some work. We spoke to Akshay Dogra who confirmed the news,"Yes, tomorrow is my last day. It's a little emotional exit because everyone on this show feels like family. It'll be hard not seeing them everyday now."

We also spoke to Deepali Pansare who added,"Yes, we are leaving the show. Both the characters will be shown going abroad. Viewers will see this track very soon."

Their exits only add to the woes of production house who are reeling under intense fan pressure. Let's see how they manage to assuage the feelings of the fans!

Author & Reporter: Medha Parashar.

Gupshup: The secret of Manorama’s colourful personality!


Keeping us in splits with her unique style and dialogues, who doesn't love the colourful Manorama? Our birdie too is all enamoured by her different shades.

Manorama has a unique style that has set a trend of her own. Her impressive English and trendy accessories have kept her fans glued to the screen. Our birdie decided to ask the lady in question herself the secret of her awesomeness. She flashes her beautiful smile and thanks her latka-jhatkas that she is born with for colouring her personality. She also gives credit to her in-laws whose North Indian roots have added spice to her leheza. 

Our birdie wondered how Manorama comes up with such unusual names like “khoon bhari taang” and “phati saadi”! She proudly says that in villages, people are quick to give a nick name  to others. For example, while gossiping under a peepal tree, if someone with an awkward gait is spotted, he or she would be named as kekda. So, for Manorama, it is no big deal to come up with bizarre names on the spot.

Time to probe her a little more. So what could be the three things she dislikes? And wonders of the wonder is that she abhors jalebis, down market people (read Payal) and phati saadi (Khushi no doubt). Anything she likes in Payal, nothing, nothing and nothing was her vehement retort. So it seems that our birdie has been lightly shaded in Manorama’s colours. The diktat laid out was that stay in tune with her, she may come up with any colour, anytime!

Keep watching this space for all the gupshup on your favourite STAR Plus characters.

Arnav confronts Sheetal - Episode 383 - Pics






Arnav and Khushi Answer your Questions!


Arnav and Khushi had loads of fun responding to questions by their loving fans on STAR Plus Facebook and Twitter Pages. Have as much fun reading them as they had answering them.


@pia_begum: #askarnavkhushi We all know Khushi makes jalebis when she's sad but what does Arnav do when he's sad?

Arnav: I cry.
Khushi: He cries like a baby.

@kiran2407: #AskArnavKhushi Have they got a favourite scene that they have done in IPKKND and what is it?

Arnav: I like majority of them. But the scene when he finds out about Shyam’s truth and Anjali informs that she is pregnant, is my favourite.
Khushi: Every scene is fun, we laugh while shooting each scene.

@SminaRiaz: #AskArnavKhushi what has been your favorite Rabba ve scene to shoot?

Arnav: The ones we have to do while lying down. Otherwise, I have difficulty carrying them off.
Khushi: There are so many of them, it is difficult to point out just one. All of them are my favourites.

@rdhsree: What influenced you to do the role of #ASR which is totally different from your real life character??? #AskArnavKhushi

Arnav: That is what has been my challenge from day one. It was not an easy job, to play Arnav was tough.

@A_Anwarul: #AskArnavKhushi What is the funniest scene you have shot so far in #IPKKND?

Arnav: I can’t remember one funny scene that was the best as we laugh while shooting almost all the scenes. Sometimes, our team gets upset, in some instances, our Directors have walked out. I keep a straight face but Khushi bursts out laughing and then she blames me.
Khushi: When I was doing the samosa scene, I found it very funny as I had to stuff my mouth with samosas. I kept eating and gave several retakes.

@A_Anwarul: #AskArnavKhushi What was the toughest scene to shoot??

Khushi: All those scenes when we have to cry are tough as we have to put in a lot of emotions and feelings.

@JesleenSimran: How can they read each other’s eyes? #AskArnavKhushi

Arnav: That is the magic of love.
Khushi: If I know someone inside out and am close to them, I can read their eyes.


Suruchi Singh: I just want to ask them that when is Arshi going on honeymoon?

Arnav: We have not yet decided that, let’s see when that happens.

Khushi: I hope soon as I would love to go out of the city.

Suhana Sharma: Arnav and Khushi, two unlike people with different ideologies, fell in love and now they are married. If given a chance, what would Sanaya and Barun change about Arnav and Khushi? I mean what quality in them they love the most?

Arnav: I would want Arnav to laugh more and Khushi to talk less.
Khushi: I like the fact that Khushi is so happy as a person. I like her completely.

Vishakha Kapoor: Arshi, we love you so much that we laugh with you and we cry with you. How do you bring out your chemistry and acting so well that we people feel you are real characters?

Arnav: Some actors are meant for a few characters, we have lived them for so long that they seem so real.
Khushi:  I just try to do my best and do a good job.

Aishwarya Kumar: How do you manage to weave magic even in the most mundane scenes when you're together? You both are a very good looking jodi :)

Arnav: This is all team work.
Khushi: We have a good chemistry off-screen, we enjoy our work and we are very good friends too!

Manal Hani: Mera question Arshi se hai ki dono mein se kaun sabse zyada mohabbat karta hai ek doosre se? Arnav Khushi se ya Khushi Arnav se? Aur yeh ki dono mein sabse zyada kaun understand karta hai ek doosre ki feelings or unke nature aur behaviour ko, Arnav ya Khushi?

Arnav:  Even in real life, love is temporary. Some of the time, one loves the other more and at others, the other does. But it appears as if I love Khushi more and care for her more than she does.
Khushi: I am a little immature in certain situations. Arnav’s feelings for me come across more clearly but sometimes, my eyes can’t see this.

Tzbia Khan: Best jodi ever! We hope that you two reach the heights of stardom! :) Just wanted to know that do you have the same chemistry off-screen as well? Hope you answer my question! I'll be waiting! :)

Arnav: If that was the case, we would be married by now.
Khushi: We are very good friends off-screen.

Iqra Iqbal: I would like to ask that what they find the most attractive quality in a person? :)

Arnav: Their goodness.
Khushi: How the person is, if he or she is a good human being is what attracts me most.

Leena Sadhukhan: Arnav ko hasna kyun nahi aata? He is all the time like an angry young man behind the scene? And Khushi itna achha funky dance kaise kar leti hai? I love her funky dancing moves.....:-*:-*

Arnav: What we practice is what we become. I have practiced to be like that for a long time now.
Khushi: Arnav does not look good when he laughs. Actually, he looks terrible when he laughs. I enjoy doing the stupid tapori moves Khushi style.

Loveny Miah: Khushi, what is the one thing that upsets you about Arnav?

Khushi: I wish he would show his feelings a little more as he feels very deeply.

Swathi Potter: I want to ask Arnav and Khushi that what their favourite Rabba ve moment is. ;)

Arnav: The ones we have to do while lying down. Otherwise, I have difficulty carrying them off.
Khushi: There are so many of them, it is difficult to point out just one. All of them are my favourites.

Tharuu Silva: Arnav and Kushi, same question for both of you, frankly tell the very first moment that you two missed each other the most? :-) And tell us why your fights turn out to be so romantic sometimes? :D

Arnav: That is how they write it.
Khushi: It is difficult to remember now. Since Arnav and Khushi are opposite to each other, it works like fire on screen when they fight.

Devanshi Devani: What message do you want to give your STAR Plus friend?

Arnav: I am very thankful for the love and support that I have received from my fans. I got several awards due to my fans who watch me and like me.
Khushi: I just want to say thank you! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here. Don’t give up on us; we have lots more in store.

Wasn’t it fun interacting with your favourite jodi? Do let us know which answers you enjoyed the most.

Arnav attends the father's day celebration in Aarav's school - Episode 382 - Pics


Sheetal and Khushi



A kid

Khushi confronts Sheetal with the DNA reports - Episode 381 - Pics






Sanaya Irani Performance As Laxmi in Star Diwali 2012



ACT 1:


ACT 2:


Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 383] 8th November 2012 Written Update


Khushi telling Arnav that Arav is his kid, Arnav calls Khushi mad and that him and Sheetal didn’t have any such relation, Khushi shows Arnav the report and he is shocked reading it and states that this is not possible, Khushi states that she asked Sheetal and she too confirmed it. Khushi tells Arnav he has rights and he gets angry stating he knows what is his right.

At dinner Nani wants Arnav to eat but he isn’t hungry, Sheetal informs Arnav that they are leaving tomorrow, Arav asks why he wasn’t told, Sheetal informs that everything happened quickly. Family wants Sheetal to stay a bit longer, but she makes excuses that they have to go. Arav goes to Arnav and states other then him he doesn’t have any friends, Arnav promises to visit and tells Arav to never say he is alone, Arav abd Arnav hug and Khushi looks on.

Nani and family sitting down, stating the house has changed knowing Arav is leaving like he is our own. Arnav talking to Khushi about what is happening and asks if Khushi is with him, Khushi states she will always be with him.

Arnav goes to see Sheetal and informs that he knows, Sheetal breaks down and tells him to forget everything and Arav is her kid only, she didn’t come here to break his marriage, Aranv tries to explain, Sheetal continues that she doesn’t want their money and they will elave tomorrow. Arnav wants to say something but Khushi asks about Arav, Sheetal replies time heals everything and in time he will forget about Arnav, Arnav seems angry and leaves.

Khushi tries to explain to Arnav but Arnav tells her there is nothing to be done at the moment, and to trust him and everything will be okay. Khushi thinking that she will make everything okay.
Khushi has a bag packed at night and Arnav is asleep, she states that as long as she is here he wont accept Arav so she has to leave, this will be hard but it needs to be done. She comes back into the room and looks at Arnav, there is a rabba ve session, she sits next to Arnav and touches his face and kisses him on the cheek. She remembers Arnav asking her to promise to never leave her. Khushi thinking she needs to leave before she gets weak and changes her mind. As she is about to leave Aranv grabs hold of her dupatta and asks if she is leaving, she states that she needs to leave for Arav. He asks if she leaves quietly will everything be okay. Khushi hugs Arnav, she states that she doesn’t know, but he replies that Arnav and Khushi will always be together.

In the Morning, Khushi comes with tea for Arnav, she tells him to rest as he didn’t sleep all night, she understands and she is with him all the way. Arnav tries to explain that he wasn’t like that, Khushi states she doesn’t need an explanation, Arnav informs that he needs one and find out what is happening, Khushi explains that the report shows everything, Arnav states he would know if something happened, he explains what happens will be with her and asks if she will be with him, she agrees.

Sheetal explains what happened its in the past, Arnav informs that he doesn’t think Arav is his kid and he doesn’t remember anything, Sheetal explains that he was very drunk that night, Arnav states it doesn’t make sense. Sheetal explains that they were together graduation night, Arnav asks he doesn’t remember and why she didn’t say anything, Sheetal explains that he broke up the next day and she was broken therefore left and found out a few days later that she was pregnant. She knew she would not have an abortion and would become a single mom, she didn’t want him to miss having a father but she was unable to, but promises this will not happen in the future.

Khushi states that Arav needs Arnav, but Sheetal disagrees and wants to leave. Khushi runs after Sheetal and Aranv is confused about everything.

Khushi tries to stop Sheetal but she is adamant to leave, Arnav is looking on confused. And Arav is looking on sad. Khushi tries holding on to Sheetal and Sheetal trips and falls down the stairs and sprains her ankle.

The doctor states that its nothing serious and she needs to rest. Sheetal explains that she slipped. Khushi blames herself, but Sheetal states its not her fault and wants to leave. Nani explains that she needs to stay to get better. Aranv agrees for her to stay and leaves. Mami asks about Akash but he went to office early. Mami is happy hearing this.

Khushi goes to Arnav, he apologises for what is happening and asks for some time, Khushi trusts him and he asks how she can be like this and she replies because of him, they star at each other.



[SBB] IPKKND Mein Twist - 08th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





[SBB] IPKKND K Crazy Lamhe - 08th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





[E24] Ram Sanaya Ki Dosti - 08th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





From the heart of a Fan!


Richard Bach said, "When you love someone set him free, if he comes back to you he is yours else he never was".

I read this when I was in class 9 on my tuition sir's wall and have always followed that as the mantra of my life ever since whether it is about people or things in life and it has always made my life simpler.

At the cost of sermonizing, and perhaps not being able to reach out to many people who will not relate to my post, here are a few things I would like to add.

A few years ago, I was an enthusiastic fan too ( I still am, I always will be).. I would take every thing by face value, get hurt by the same set of facts that would be placed in front of me as they are doing to you today.. I always wondered why certain things didnt happen the way we wanted when the solution and the answer seemed most obvious.

Well thats where we all make the mistake .. of thinking we know it all, we understand it all ... Some of us may be perceptive,some may feign indifference ... but at the end of the day, we are all people who spend endless hours of our precious day thinking about fictional characters, their plotlines and the actors who portray it! Amazing get away it for sure is ... But we somewhere we choose to ignore or forget one basic truth - that it is a show after all... An entity that comprises of not just actors and and a crew present on the set but also a bunch of people who work behind it and make it a living reality.

It is very easy to say "shitty episode" they could have done better ... But that "shitty episode" also amounts the same expenditure, the same time and the same amount of energy at all levels ..would you tell someone if you didnt like what they wore or the way they spoke? You wouldnt do it to the face atleast... but here on a forum we have the liberty to do so in the name of freedom of speech and expression ...we call it constructive criticism.

Today you are upset because someone has passed on some information to you, which you choose to believe over the rest only because the blame game seems the most convenient route to take ...  But didnt you thrive on the pictures, the news and the interactions that came your way during the course of the show?

Who was Arnav? Who was Khushi? And why did you fall in love with them? Would you have imagined Shravan in Baat Humari Pakki Hai and Gunjan in Miley Jab Hum Tum could ever be paired with one another two years ago? Well, someone did, and thats why they are our beloved ArShi or SaRun today!

Do we leave the hands of people and back out at a time when things go wrong, and perhaps at a time when they need you the most? Well, would we do it to a friend? Would we do it for a person who has been the reason for our happiness in the last year and a half? The reasons for watching a show might vary, and each of us is free to endorse would thought process, but does that mean we will humilaite every other point of view just because you dont agree with it, and you see no other way of resisting it. Just as you should not go ovr board praising someone to skies, one should not even get down to name calling and personal attacks just because you are angry!

In a forum with lakhs of people, difference of opinion is bound to happen and some tend to obviously dominate the others... In a group there are always very few leaders and many many followers ... we are not here to show our clout, neither are we here to prove a point to anyone... If at all we switch on our television screens at a certain time in the day, we do it because we derive happiness out of it...

We cant hold someone at ransom and say, end it if you cant do it! Thats not a call you can take ..!! Should a show just be shut down because an actor, who has worked for a year and a half decides to leave for his own reasons? Will you also take a call and speculate on his behalf why he would have left? And then if he returns will you choose your own reasons to justify why he came back? Why?

For just 20 minutes of happiness in a day? Is that all you want from life? There is no fun in begging, forcing, requesting someone to make things to happen your way... the beauty is in the spontaneity, it is in the fact that the mention of something instantly puts a smile on your face. If it doesn't and the control doesn't lie in your hands, do something to get yourself off it, because you cannot control another actions! And what will happen even if you get it after that? A few days of emotional victory? The cycle will begin yet again! You will be disappointed, hurt and disgusted this time since you all you will remember will be the effort and the toil that went into getting something you are not happy with!

Whats beautiful should stay beautiful ... While its wonderful that you are ever inquisitive and care about every thing related to the show always remember to cut off beyond a point. Even our own siblings do not like it when we tell them what they are supposed to do right!

When people make an effort to bridge the gap between them and us, respect it, do not turn it into a sounding board to bombard them with lessons of what they are supposed to do. Are they telling us what kind of audience we are supposed to be?

When we started Rangmunch, we had made up our mind that we will become that bridge that will give the story behind the making of a story, so we hope we will believe us when we tell you this. We have sat on those sets and watched each of the scenes we finally see on screen being shot. We see the number of takes, re-takes, rehearsalss and close ups that happen. We have closely observed the Director, the Camera Men, the lightmen, the sound department work in coordination with one another without tiring. 

While it might be very easy to say, why cant they just do it this way, or that way, we now know why they cant and what they could have done had they really had an opportunity to. I hope you will appreciate the fact that this is a version that is coming from someone who has been a fan, felt every emotion of what you have said, has been curious to know the craft and hence has also seen what happens on the other side of the hill..

You can now go ahead and decide to call me a mouth-piece and whatever you choose to, but this is the story of every show, that is plagued with the issues of shooting episodes, changing actors, disrupting plot lines and other issues that go into making a TV show complete! When there is a crest there has to be a trough and vice-versa.

Avoid all heart burn, sit back, watch the show or do not watch it, obviously that's a call you have always had in your hands. But for your own sanity, get rid of the anger, the bitterness and malice that spoils the sanctity of what you once loved or perhaps still love!

Ending this with Tennyson's lines, "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".

Stay Happy!!

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon turning into a tale of actors quitting every now and then!


We really wonder as to what has gone wrong with Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon of late. The show, which had started off boasting to be a unique tale of romance, ruled by hatred and love, sadly has been hitting the headlines for not so pleasing reasons as far as the fans are concerned.

Ever since the leading man Barun Sobti aka Arnav signed for his debut Bollywood film Main Aur Mr. Right thus making the CVs to introduce a kidnapping track, to cover up his absence, rumors have become inseparable part of the show. During this period too there were loads of rumors saying that Barun was quitting the show. However, things settled down for good once he got back and the story headed towards more interesting twists and turns.

Yet again the fans had to face a blow when Daljeet Bhanot aka Anjali decided upon leaving the drama. Later, this too turned to be a lame call as Daljeet also stayed back and needless to say of the bait that was offered to her. While things were again on the calm road, the next storm came in with Akshay Dogra aka Akash and Deepali Pansare aka Payal putting down their papers. The reel life husband and wife have made up their mind to quit the daily and soon the makers will give their characters a smooth exit.

But the drama doesn’t end here as now we are again hearing of Barun leaving the show. In fact, there is a buzz that Viraf Phiroz Patel, the former Grasim Mr. India 2005 who has been a part of Sony TV’s Mahi Way and Kismat and was last seen in Star Plus’ Teri Meri Love Stories alongside Shilpa Anand, might step in as the new man in Khushi aka Sanaya Irani’s life.

Meanwhile, this remains oblivious to all as to what will exactly happen to Barun’s character. Well, it is known to all that show is so successful all because of Barun and Sanaya’s excellent chemistry. The absence of anyone of them is sure to affect the show and we as fans would rather wish to see their love story been given a deserving end with the leads on board rather than watching someone else stepping in between.

Hope the makers 4 Lions Films come clear with all the rumors surrounding instead of making the fans face the heat this way!

Barun Sobti to take a Break from Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon!


There have been numerous rumors making rounds in the media about Barun Sobti's exit from Star Plus' Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?. It was speculated that Viraf Phiroz Patel would be taking his place in the show. Fans of the actor had written countless petitions to stop this replacement too. 

In order to clear the air we spoke to Barun who clarified,  "I am not leaving the show, but I am taking a well deserved break. I don't know the length of the break, but it won't be a small one.I just need a break". 

We asked him whether 23rd November would be the last date of shoot, "Nothing has been finalized, things are still being worked out".

This piece of news would surely be a big relief for many fans of Barun. 

Reporter and Author: Nadia Malik

[SBS] Barun Leaving IPKKND His Last Day Will Be 23rd Nov - 07th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





[E24] Arnav Ki Pareshani - 07th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





[SBS] Manorma Mami Ne Banai Chakli - 07th Nov 2012 - Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon





Is Aarav, Arnav's son in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?


Twist and turns have gripped Star Plus' popular daily soap, Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?. The big question hovering over Arnav and Khushi and other members of the family is about Aarav. Is he really Arnav's son?

As seen in the show Sheetal and Aarav stay at Arnav's house since they do not have anywhere else to go. However, now that she finally gets a one they will be moving from the Raizada Mansion to their own abode.

Apart from Khushi's reaction on knowing the truth, the question that ponders upon her is why Sheetal is taking Aarav along with her if he is actually Arnav's son. She believes that separating a son from his father is not right.

One of our reliable sources on the set told us, "Yes we are going to show in the forthcoming episodes that Aarav is Arnav's son. But later the story does change again too which I am not aware about".

To know what happens in the tracks to come, do watch Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?

Viraf Phiroz Patel to be the New Man in Khushi's Life?


Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon, the joint venture of IMRC Entertainment and 4 Lions Films on Star Plus has been in the news of late for speculations regarding Barun Sobti opting out of the show. had already reported about Barun putting down his papers and that the production house was looking for a suitable face to get into the shoes of the lead.

We now hear that there will be a new man in Khushi’s (Sanaya Irani) life very soon. Our reliable source told us that many names are being considered for the coveted role, and as of now it looks like Viraf Phiroz Patel has a bright chance of entering Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon... as the new man in Khushi’s life.

contacted Viraf and he said, “Well, to tell you honestly I have few television opportunities lined up and the probability of a film too happening. All I can tell you is that I will take up something new post Diwali. We will talk when the time is right.

It is also being speculated that Barun Sobti will slowly ease out of the show. However, we could not get a clear picture on this at the time of filing this story. We will surely keep our readers updated on the developments in Iss Pyaar.. As for Viraf, the former Grasim Mr. India 2005 has been seen in Sony Entertainment Television’s Mahi way and Kismat. On Star Plus, he was cast opposite Shilpa Anand in a story of Teri Meri Love Stories.

Let’s see if Viraf goes on to bag this role and wins the hearts of girls with his stunning looks.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Promo - 07th November 2012 - Is Arnav The Real Father of Aarav?





Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 382] 7th November 2012 Written Update


The episode begins with Sheetal asking Khushi whether she would agree to leave Arnav for the sake and happiness of Aarav, when Khushi doesn't say anything, Sheetal continues to say that it's better that Sheetal herself remains out of this and the truth isn't confessed out to Arnav because it would only raise more issues and problems. Khushi doesn't say anything and walks out. Nani stops her and asks where she is going to which Khushi says that she's going out for some important work, Nani tells her to come back soon. Khushi agrees and talks to Devi Mayya and says that she is leaving this all upon Her and whether this time, what she has wished for happens or not is upon her.

Aarav is shown waiting at his school near the entrance where the other students are walking in with their parents. Aarav just keeps looking at the kids and doesn't say anything to them. Three kids walk upto him and tease Aarav about not even knowing the name of his father therefore, how will he participate in the competition. Aarav remains quiet and looks sad. On the other hand, Sheetal is stuck in the traffic and wonders why she is getting all the red lights just when she needs to reach Aarav as soon as possible. Aarav is told by his teacher to sit down inside instead of standing outside. Aarav goes inside where the musical competition is announced. The fathers have to play along with their kids and it's a "Jugul Bandi" between different father-son duo. Aarav looks at the drum set but doesn't raise his hand when asked if he would like to participate. 3 other sets of father-son pairs walk up and that's when Khushi and Sheetal walk inside as well. Sheetal tries to get the attention of Aarav but he is busy looking in his book so doesn't pay any attention to her. Just then the announcer asks for the last time whether there is anyone who would like to take the drum set and Arnav comes in and says that he would like to take the stage too. Everyone looks at him, Khushi is excited whereas Aarav is confused. Arnav tells the announcer that his name is Arnav Singh Raizada and his partner would be Aarav. Aarav gets really happy and walks upto him and the two take the seat behind the drum set. Aarav first plays along with his other classmates. Khushi standing on the other end of the room wonders to herself why Arnav had to make a grand entry like Salman Khan when he doesn't know how to play any instrument. Sheetal just then tells her that Arnav was the most amazing drummer back in college. Khushi looks at her and then at Arnav. Arnav takes the stage then and starts playing. He first gets the father playing flute out, then the one playing guitar and finally the one behind the tabla out too. Aarav gets very excited when he's announced as the winner and calls Arnav "Dad" to which Arnav is shocked, whereas Khushi and Sheetal are looking like they are in pain. Aarav apologizes to which Arnav says that it's okay and they won! They do their unique handshake and then Arnav's phone rings. Khushi notices how Aarav doesn't want to leave Arnav's hand and holds it tighter. Khushi tells herself that she will have to tell Arnav soon that Aarav is his son because she doesn't like hiding this from him.

Back at the RM, Aarav is telling everyone very excitedly how Arnav came and he won. Nani turns to Sheetal and says that your SR has changed our SR and that maybe it's time that Khushi and Arnav start their own family. Arnav looks at Khushi who looks away and leaves the room. Mami says that it's the first time she has seen Khushi blushing. Arnav just looks on after Khushi.

Khushi is in the kitchen and Sheetal comes there. Sheetal tells Khushi that what she was doing was wrong and Khushi says that she is merely cutting onions and that's why the tears came to her eyes. Sheetal tells her that Aarav had called Arnav dad in excitement and it means nothing and shouldn't upset Khushi. She walks out and Khushi thinks back on Sheetal's words from earlier in the morning about Khushi not wanting to leave Arnav ever. Khushi decides to tell Arnav everything about Aarav being his son.

Khushi enters her room. There are candles everywhere and there is a rose and card on the bed. Khushi opens it and starts reading just when Arnav walks in and starts reading what he has written himself. He tells Khushi that she is the most important person in his life and that before Khushi, his life was nothing but it doesn't matter to him because he feels as if in the past 6 months he has lived his life to the max with Khushi. Arnav moves closer to Khushi and she moves away to which Arnav tells her that hadn't she heard what Nani had said downstairs that it's time they start planning their own family. Khushi holds onto Arnav's hand and says that there is one more important member in their family, Arnav asks who she is talking about. Khushi says that it's Aarav. Arnav looks at Khushi in anger, and gets up from the bed. He says that just because he had called Arnav dad once out of excitement does not mean that Aarav is his son and that she had forced him to be there. Khushi counter argues and tells him that it's not because of this one time, but that his own son had called him dad. Arnav looks at her in shock and says "What?!" Khushi then completes her sentence and says that Aarav is Arnav's biological son.

Episode ends.


Arnav and Khushi enter Sheetal's room. Arnav tells Sheetal that Khushi told him everything about Aarav and that he is Arnav's son. Sheetal has tears in her eyes and she says that Arnav should forget everything and that they had met by chance and she never intended on meeting Arnav. Sheetal further says that Aarav is only her son and no one elses.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 381] 06th November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi coming to Sheetal’s room and asking her, who is your husband? She says, I may not have rights to ask you this question.. but it’s very important for me know who is your husband. Sheetal tries to avoid her question, but Khushi says to her, don’t try to change the topic.. I am Aarav that you can tell me whatever.. I must know who is your husband.. and that too today and right now. Sheetal says, I can’t tell. Khushi says, you have to and asks her, why can’t you tell me? Sheetal says, because there is a reason. Khushi asks, what kind of reason? Sheetal says, when I don’t care about Aarav’s father and where is he, then why do you care? Khushi says, lie.. if you really didn’t care, then you would have told everyone about it. Sheetal still says, i don’t care. Khushi say, no. .it matters a lot to you and says, I have a proof. sheetal asks, what proof? Khushi says, if it doesn’t matter then why did you keep fast today? I saw everything. Sheetal says, I didn’t keep any fast.. it’s just your misunderstanding. Khushi says, no.. I saw myself.. you looking at moon from your dupatta and then drank water. Sheetal says, something was stuck in my dupatta .. that’s why. Khushi says, okay, but then you also looked at Arnav from your dupatta.. and drank water from same pot from which Arnav made me drink water. Sheetal is all quiet. Khushi says, I have no misunderstanding.. you kept Karva-Chauth fast and that too for Arnav. Sheetal asks, but why would I keep fast for Arnav? Khushi says, because Arnav is Aarav’s father.

Khushi shows her the DNA report and asks whether the results are wrong. Sheetal is shocked reading the document. Khushi continues that Arav and Arnav share blood. Sheetal sits on the bed with the report in her hand and apologises, Khushi states why she didn’t tell the truth, Sheetal states that she didn’t want to hurt her son and wanted to keep all this from him and that if the truth came out they would take her son from her. Khushi consoles Sheetal, Sheetal asks Khushi not to tell Arnav, she tells Khushi that if he takes custody she wont be able to handle it. She tells him that he came to Mumbai looking for him, but then she found out he is married and there is nothing left here for her and was ready to leave, but then due to situations she had to stay behind. She tells Khushi Arav will not understand and what if Arav wants to stay here, she cant let this happen, the family are so nice and she cant do this to them and break the family. Sheetal tells everything is in Khushi’s hand and begs her not to say anything to anyone, Khushi is in turmoil about what to do.

Khushi is in bed and Aranv is awake as well. Aranv states he knows she is awake and sees that she is upset, he asks what the matter is but she lies that she is okay, Khushi recalls moments between Arav and Arnav, Arnav wants to know what the matter is, Khushi lies and states that she was thinking about her dad. Khushi states she always thought she was unlucky she didn’t have a dad, but is lucky that she had someone to call dad. She continues that Arav must want to call someone dad, Aranv agrees. Khushi holds Aranv’s hand and states that’s all it was.

In the morning Khushi comes down stairs and sees Sheetal in the dining area, NK enquires that Khushi si quiet and that it doesn’t suit her. Arav comes and Sheetal tells her to have breakfast. Sheetal tells Arav about meeting a broker. Arav tells Sheetal there is a function at school. Sheetal tells her she will pick him up and they will go for a movie. Arav leaves stating that he isn’t hungry. Nani tells Sheetal that breakfast is important. Khushi volunteers to take the food to him.

Arav is packing his school things, Khushi makes small talk with Arav how breakfast is a important meal of the day. Arav states that he knows she is trying to cheer her up but he doesn’t need help, if anyone asks about his dad he says he doesn’t know and doesn’t need him. Arav leaves and Khushi thinks that it is important for him to know.

Khushi goes to her room and Arnav asks if she is okay, she goes to hug him and Arnav is concerned about her. Khushi talks about Arav.

Khushi continues that Arav is missing his father and needs a father in his life, she continues that she is worrying about Arav. Arnav continues that they will do what they can for him. Khushi informs him about the father’s day function with Arav, Arnav asks how can he go, Khushi states that he needs a father and he needs him. Arnav is confused but Khushi covers up and tells him not to think about anything else and to think about Arav. Arnav tells Khushi that this might not look good, Khushi is adamant for Arnav to go and to think about the now rather then the future. Khushi takes Arnavs hand and states that who knows better then him about not having a father in someone’s life. Arnav agrees and continues that doing this is not right, he leaves from there.

Khushi goes to Sheetal asking about Arav, Sheetal states he went to school. Khushi continues that Arav has the right to know that Arnav is her father. Sheetal continues what if Arnav wants her son, what will happen then will Arnav leave her or will she leave Arnav. Khushi is worried.

Episode ends.



Time For Big Revelation!


Loyal fans of Arnav (Barun Sobti) and Khushi (Sanaya Irani) in Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (4 Lions Films and IMRC Entertainment) can now breathe a sigh of relief as this Friday’s episode (9 November) will bring to the fore the real truth about Aarav’s (Vishesh Bansal) identity.

And the fact is that little Aarav is not the son of Arnav Raizada!! It’s time to rejoice, isn’t it? It’s been reported earlier that both Khushi and Sheetal (Madhura Naik) will fast for Arnav and there can be some drama expected when the truth gets revealed.

We hear that it will be revealed to one and all that Arnav is not the father of Aarav. Also, there were reports of Deepali Pansare and Akshay Dogra contemplating to quit Iss Pyaar. And to accommodate their absence and also going by the future story line, Akash and Payal will be going abroad in the coming week. The makers have not decided whether or not to bring in their characters into the show later.

We tried calling Madhura Naik and Vishesh Bansal to know about the track ahead but could not reach through to them.

Get ready for all the action in Iss Pyaar, folks..